Part 10: Out of the Woods

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Sorry I haven't posted in a while guys. Havent felt a reason to.

You look at me. "You don't have to take me. I know where my castle is." "I'm going to go stay in the town, and that's on the way there." You nod and look down. "I think it would be better for you to stay with your pack, instead of out by yourself." "No, I can't. If I stay, my father will try to get me to marry you again. I learned he even planned out my kidnap with your father. I can't stay there." "Okay. I understand why now." I nod, sighing before looking at you. You look at me sadly, "I guess it's easier for me because I know my father would do something like this." "If my mother was here, he wouldn't have. But since she left, he has been like this." "She left her mate?" "yea. My father is a terrible man. He would cheat on my mother, with women in our pack who's husbands had died." "wow. That's actually really surprising." "Yeah. He is trying to raise my brother like that. But with me being there, and being the oldest, I am well, was, supposed to take over. But now I'm gone, and I can't go back until he is dead." you nod, " I wont let my father near you, I promise." I look at you and smile, tilting my head slightly. You smile back just a little right as we get to your castle. I look up at its towering corridors and towers, and a tear runs down my cheek. You look up and then to me. "What's wrong?" "I-i don't want to leave you. But if I stay, he will find me, and something is bound to happen." You stop for a minute, decided to screw it. "Okay, I'll just go with you." I look up at you quickly. "W-what?! No! You can't. That wont end well, at all!. " You shake your head, smiling. "You want to stay with me, but won't let me stay with you? Make up your mind." i laugh out my noes and smile sadly, wiping my eyes. "Yea. You can come with me, if you truly want. I don't know where we will be staying or anything. I've never been out of the woods."  

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