Part 4: The Fight

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I look down with very sad eyes. He smiles, his fangs showing, which only happened when angry, or hungry. "I never gave her to you. She isn't yours. she is mine." You growl, beginning to feel the fangs leak out of your gums. "If i mark her, she is mine." "You haven't marked her."  "I know but I can." "Good luck. I'm keeping her." you sigh, the teeth sinking back in. "Fine. Have her." He smiles, as I start crying. It pained you to see me so upset, and you attempt to fight the urge to walk over, to comfort me. Your fathers smirk stops you in your tracks. You glare and watch him as he peers at me, and smiles mischievously. I stick my nose in the air and go to attack him. I tackle him to the ground and we begin to fight. You quickly pull us apart and i gasp at a wound on my neck. You shove me behind you and utter out, "Please father, stop." He growls and tries to move past you. You push him away quickly and pull me from the room quickly, and into your room. I look at you and finally speak, for the first time since he caught me. "Thank you." You nod and throw your hair up into a ponytail. I quickly look down. "I need to get back to my pack. They will be terrified to know where I have been, but glad to know I've shifted and met my mate." You nod once, "okay.  I'll get you outside." I nod, "Thank you. I uh... I'd  like you to  come with. I don't exactly know where this place is, so i wont be able to come and I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you. You're my mate." "I don't really think that will work. This," you point between us, " isn't normal." I look down and whisper something before nodding. "Okay." "I'll take you back, but I'm not staying."

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