Part 6: Visions

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    I begin to walk towards you. You and Lawrence watch me. I look at my father, and then back to you. "Well I better go." you clarify. I look down quick. You look at My dad and he looks at me. he puts his arm around my shoulder and turns me around. "alright. Goodbye Christine. I hope you remember to tell your father. Or else we will have some problems. " As we both begin to walk away, I whimper and you hear me whisper, "I finally found my mate, and turned for that matter. But now she won't stay. And I can't... I can't grow a life with her..." Lawrence nods and hugs me. You feel a single tear drop off your nose and you look to Matthew. "Come on. Lets get out of here." He nods and sighs. "it makes me sad, that you aren't staying with her. She is your soulmate." "You don't understand, Wolves and vampires aren't supposed to go together. besides, they killed my mother, its hard to even look at them." "She is your soulmate!" It sounded hurt, his voice. It wasn't normal for him to even show emotion besides happiness. "Why does it matter so much to you?" you ask, confused. He looks down. " It doesn't." "then bud out of it. " "all i'm saying is that your going to regret this and end up here anyways begging her to take you back." you glare and begin walking. He follows behind you. You run most of the way home, and into your room. You lay down, exhausted from the past days events. you begin to close your eyes, to sleep. It had to be about 2 in the morning, and all this in one day was very tiring. You start to see visions of me, appearing in a dark light. It was scary, you saw me out, feasting on a dead deer, when a a hunter attacked my pack. He shot me, almost killing me. Blood spilled over you, and the vision left. Not even 15 seconds later, a new vision appeared, and you watched me lay in a large king bed, looking pale. The entire pack gathered around me and whomever you were seeing the vision from. You bolt up, in a cold sweat, crying and knowing you had to get back to me, and soon.   

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