1. Solutions

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"Riya! Riya! Wake up!" I heard my mother's voice.

I tried hard to open my eyes in the bright light. I saw the white ceiling and the light blue walls. I was in my room. I saw my mother's horrified face leaning over me. I struggled to sit upright on my little, single bed. I was perspiring excessively and the mattress was crumbled.
"You okay?" Asked my mother with concern.

"Yeah. I am. Just a silly nightmare. I sighed, "There is nothing to worry. You should go and take some rest."

She hugged me tightly, "How can I, my dear?"

"When you are screaming so loudly!" Snorted my brother. I turned around and saw him standing at the doorway. My 10 year old brother was glaring at me with his sleepy eyes.

Wait a sec...... My brother is awake! He is a heavy sleeper. Even if the house would have been on fire he wouldn't have woken up. This means that half of the town was awake because of my screams.

From the window at the foot of my bed , I saw it was still dark outside. I glanced at the clock hanging above it. 3:15.

I sighed , " I am sorry. I disturbed you at the middle of the night. You should really just go and sleep."

My mother opened her mouth to protest but then thought it would be better to keep it shut when she saw Shan's face. My brother is in standard 4 but according to my mum he is quite young to sleep alone. I know she says that just to hide the fact that her son is such a coward and can't survive a minute alone.

She got up from my bed and walked to Shan. She turned around and asked for the umpteenth time, "Are you sure you are okay? "

I can't help but notice her beauty even in her plum night gown and that tired looking face. Her dark brown curls in a messed up braid and her honey brown eyes filled with concern and worry might have made her look a bit older but she looked younger than any 35 year old. She is just perfect, at least for me as the rest of the world is expert in finding flaws.

"Yeah." I lied.

"Sleep well."

What can I say? I know I won't be able to sleep at all.

She searched my face for a moment but I kept it expressionless. So she walked away. Shan too left the room when he was convinced that I will not scream anymore tonight.

I got up from my bed and closed the door. After switching off the bedside lamp, I laid back pulling up the warm comforter. I started to think about my nightmare. It wasn't normal to have the same nightmare for more than a month. Something was there and it was serious. I need to find that out.


"You think too much! Just forget it already

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"You think too much! Just forget it already. " My neighbour and somehow bestie, Nishi growled from beside me.

We were lying idly on the soft grass in her lawn just under the shadow of her massive mango tree. She was wearing a sweet, flowing, knee-length frock with beautiful floral print. Her light brown, wavy hair cascaded down her body, shimmering slightly red at places under the warm sunlight. And I was in my usual attire. A three-quartered , peach coloured jeans and plain, navy blue shirt with my hair tightly pulled in a braid. I generally kept my waist length hair in a bun or a braid. When left open, my raven black hair resembled a bird's nest.

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