3. OH! Crash!

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I woke up the next morning feeling dizzy and slightly confused. My memories of last night's dream were hazy. But as I tried to recall it, I started remembering bits and pieces of it and after a while everything became crystal clear. I sighed in relief and felt oddly enough, calm and collected which I rarely was these days. I started my day with the big, blooming flower of hope to satiate my curiosity.

The rest of the vacations passed without any events so I felt safe and secure. It seemed like a heavy burden was lifted from my chest and I could breathe freely. I didn't have any nightmares or dreams if considered and got good rest of straight 7 to 8 hours without waking up in the middle of the night. I was expecting to feed my curiosity, so the dreamless night should have irritated me. But I knew I would be getting answers at the right time.

I tried for countless times to put the signals together and form a story. The evil, the portal, my saviour . ( what else can I call him? He refused to reveal his name and he was the one who introduced himself as my saviour.) Even if my subconscious was playing with me the story it gave should be perfect. But each time I tried, the words of that voice came back to me. Don't think too much. And so for once in my life I let it go.

Now here I am. More than a month's irritated, gloomy and hopeless expression exchanged for the far better zealous one to attend my first day of school after the long lost vacations. Yes, it's Wednesday!

Being the class representative, I had to sort out all the work needed to be completed to get the classroom ready for our lessons.

Even after coming at 7, an hour before the classes begin, I was wildly trying to get everything right. The teachers were early as well to complete their last minute necessities. What a great help they were by adding their requirements to my already long list of awaited works.

Time flew by and the classes started to fill in. My gang of friends #PC gang (I can't reveal the meaning. It's our top secret with a capital T.) occupied a corner in the class teasing and laughing off their asses while discussing the idiotic pranks they played during vacations. They called me over when I was collecting the projects of my classmates to submit on the teacher's table. I ignored them and they just shrugged while showing pity at my state - my hands overflowing with chart papers. I have a great group of friends!

Usually it was quite annoying to be a class rep but right now I was grateful for my busy schedule. It kept my mind preoccupied.

I heard the bell that declared it was time for assembly. Panicking I dashed towards the staffroom. God! I don't want to be late for the assembly on the very first day.

Just when I was about to turn towards the staff room, I crashed into a rock hard chest. All the projects flew from my arms and scattered around the hallway.

"I am sorry! I am so, so sorry!" I babbled while picking up the hard work of my classmates.

"I didn't see you. I was in a hurry. " I kept on mumbling incoherent apologies. I was already late. My mind had overworked and decided to bail on me now!

I let out a small sigh of relief when I sensed that the person was helping me in picking up the projects.

A yellow chart paper was lying farther ahead. It seemed that we both reached for it at the same time as a pale hand touched mine.

I looked up to find the most beautiful eyes bore into mine. The pair of royal blue eyes belonged to an equally beautiful face. The guy was around my age may be a bit elder, wearing casuals. Might be a visitor.

His unique shade of blue eyes held mine dark brown ones captive. I wasn't able to avert my gaze. The part where his hand touched mine tingled and I sensed an odd sense of familiarity. Although we have just met, it felt like I know him for much longer.

He picked up the chart paper and I steadied myself at my two small little feet while my nerves were in a havoc.

"It's okay. Are you alright? " he asked in a gruff voice.

"Ya..... I...... I " I stuttered not knowing how to respond to all the care thing. Good lord, I do really suck in these conversations.

"Did you get everything? " he handed me the chart papers he picked up.

I looked around to confirm. "Yeah we got everything up. " how can I forget he helped me to collect them when anyone else would have just cursed and had left me to mend myself?

The second bell ringing loud and clear, startled both of us. The reality hit me. Here I was gawking at him like a moron when I was going to be late for my classes.

"Shit! I didn't attend the assembly. "

I mumbled an apology once again and hurried to the staff room.

I could feel his intense gaze following me down the hall and somehow I felt really peaceful.


I thought to take a break from my studies (as if I actually study ever.) XP

This chapter was a rough draft and so there might be too many mistakes. If you want you can point them out or you can just ignore them.

My parents don't know about me using wattpad and all so they don't understand my continuous typing. Now I'm out of excuses. So if you have some please please suggest them. Or else I don't think I would be able to update.

Do you have any suggestions for videos and songs that can go along with any of the chaps or the book in general?

Now the most important part how was the chapter?

Any guesses on what will happen next?

I know I'm not so experienced in writing but I am trying so please let me know how can I improve myself.

And if you liked the chap please vote.

So goodbye!

Bear hugs and samosas to everyone. ; )

Enjoy your day.

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