9. Guardian Angel

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My mind was set. I entered the circle and the light started to glow again.

"Ready?" He asked. I merely nodded.

My decision was made. If this was what it takes to do something good, then be it.

He opened the casket, but I didn't cower away this time. I was ready for it. I believe in myself. And then I felt it. A tingling sensation started from the center of my chest and spread all over my body.

The havoc eater or the replica of it, as he says was a few feet away from me. I let the building power in me go and just like the last time a beam of bright light shot out from my heart and I know it was my heart cause I felt it.

The evil writhed and groaned and just like the last time... poof . It disappeared.

"Hmm. I see. So you finally decided it. "

"Curiosity Mr. Kills the cat and what good a place I can find to die but in my dr-"

He clasped his hand tightly over my mouth.

"Don't utter horrid things like that. Not here and with the conditions prevailing not anywhere." His voice was really serious. But just as my curiosity was growing, I wanted to see his eyes, his face as well.

Being suddenly uncomfortable with his close proximity, I stepped away with a meek okay.

An awkward silence had settled between us, so I cleared my throat and asked , "So will you answer some of my questions this time?"

"Ask them right away."

And so we sat on the very same dreadful circle that somehow was the sole attention of the havoc eater.

"Umm... okay. So what are these havoc eaters?"

"Hmm... wait here." He got up and walked to one of the shelves, took out a withered brown covered book and handed it over to me.

"Try opening it."

Though I thought it to be impossible I tried it because of the confidence in his voice. And surprisingly enough the book opened.

"But... how?" Bewildered I asked.

"Do you recall what I said. It would only open when it will think you deserve the knowledge. When it witnessed you fighting off that replica it chose to open up for you. Now try to read it."

I skimmed through the words and though they were written in some alien language I was easily able to read it.

I looked up to him with the same bewildered expression.

"You might not know the language of us but your soul does and you are only able to understand it because your soul is contently hearing what this book says."

"You say as if these books have their own lives."

"They do."

Are you out of your mind?

"You don't believe me? No worries. But you do need to know all of this does contain out of the ordinary. They contain magic. Just look at the book and think of it."

I glanced at them and saw that all this time the golden words written in the book were glowing. Illuminating up every thing it was surrounded with. Even the air and the waves of sound we created could be seen in that strange light.

I read the text aloud.

"Havoc eaters are the sinners of souls who made some great sins, surrendering themselves to the evil, during their mortal existence in the realm of earth.

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