2. Hope

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Many a time it happens that your mind  is full of thoughts but you don't know for what, your heart is filled with emotions but you don't know for what and your dear soul is wandering off searching but you don't know exactly what.

This phase of my life is a jigsaw puzzle that I could never solve. It's been a week since I heard that voice in my dream, but still my mind is full of questions and now with no hope of answers. That day, after I left Nishi's home I had made a list of questions that I wanted to answer and till night I had memorized them all. That day, it was the first time after a long while that I was looking forward to dream. But just like my really, really good luck I didn't dream. I was in a dream for sure but it was like those empty ones where you wander off aimlessly here and there like a prodigal. I felt I don't have any role to play, there was no purpose of my life and when I did wake up the next day, I was feeling quite low. Next day, I slept with the same hope but again, nothing! The whole week passed without any answers and every day my melancholy was increasing.

Today, my father was returning from his business trip. He was in Delhi for a month and is unaware of my night shows  ( the words of my dear, little Shan ) and I don't think my mum would have said anything that would worry him.

Now, I am at the dining table setting up plates and cleaning the living room. My dad is supposed to be home by 8 and it's already 7. Shan too have tried to clean his messed up room to impress papa.

Mum is almost done with dinner, Papa's favourite typical Indian food - pulao and curry.

She is dressed in a beautiful red and white saree, gifted by Papa on their last anniversary

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She is dressed in a beautiful red and white saree, gifted by Papa on their last anniversary. Her hair is pulled back in an elegant bun accompanied with light makeup and a few accessories. She looks young and carefree. Her face is lit up and her skin is glowing. Her forehead isn't crinkled with worry and concern like it was these last few days. She knows that my condition became even more pathetic but she didn't confront me. She knows I wouldn't listen even if she did.

 She knows I wouldn't listen even if she did

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This is the saree^^

Shan is dressed in his casual jeans and doremon t-shirt. He is running around the living room making wild guesses on what new games Papa will be bringing for him android what new dishes his catering acquaintances would have created. And I, I am in my boxers and baggy t-shirt. Yeah that's me! The party pooper. Duh! I just can't be good in the show of 'love and care' department.

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