10. Visiting

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I looked around the class. I could feel someone was anxious. This seemed a bit weird to be able to feel ones emotion. It felt like I was invading their privacy. But all this were signs ( as per Savior and side effects for me) of improving connection with my soul. He says that souls can read each other just by being around.

My eyes fixed on Ashmit, my so called brother. I could feel the anxiety rolling off him in waves. Being a free period, changing places were allowed. I sneaked up to his table and slid on the desk behind him. He was talking to one of his sidekick.


"Ahh-" I clamped my hand on his mouth.

"Were you planning to give me a early death?!!" He whisper yelled.

"Not my fault that you are such a pussy."

He slowly calmed down. "Come at the back . Need to talk to you for a minute."

I got up without waiting for his reply.

As soon as he was seated in the last bench his whole demeanor changed. A minute ago he was all vivacious and now he sported a frown.

"Spill it out."

"It's about her." He whispered.

I knew who he was talking about. He liked a girl in our class but couldn't approach her as she already had a boyfriend.

I sighed, "But you said you are getting over her-"

"I just saw his boyfriend cheating her with someone." He simply stated.

"What?" I asked dumbstruck.

"Yeah. This morning I saw him kissing a brunette."

"Then you should go and tell her, moron."

"I.. I can't." He sighed .

"But why? You want her to be happy don't you? And that douchebag is cheating on her."

"Because I don't have any proof. She won't believe me if I just walk up to her and claim this. She knows that I have a thing for her. I don't have any proof!" He ran a hand through his hair, frustrated.

"Then we'll get proof for this." I patted his back. "Why does my gang exist you dork? Meet me before school ends and bring her along as well. I'll have everything ready." I reassured him and send a quick text to my friends giving out the plan.

Let's get on with some adventure.


I was waiting near the cycle stand for Ashmit. I had all the evidence that he needed. All thanks to my PC gang. As we had guessed it wasn't much difficult for Vaishnavi, the tech girl to hack into that douchebag's Facebook account. Though Shivangi, another of our friend and law specialist had erased our IP address and whatever else could have caught us for this act.

And my suspicions were right. I knew if the hell of her boyfriend was full out kissing another girl he must have texted as well. I got my hands on his texts and was surprised to see that he was not only cheating her but many other girls as well. There were six of them and they all thought that they were his girlfriend.

Wow! He is six-timing!

I felt Ashmit coming around with the anxious girl. Hmm. I am getting good at this.

I rushed up to them. "Umm. Hi." I gave a nervous smile.

"So, what was it that you wanted to tell me?" The girl asked truly worried now.

"I...," looking up at Ashmit, I saw he was even worse at this, "I don't know how to put this in words , it's better if you see it for yourself. Here." I handed her my phone with the screenshots of the douchebag's conversations.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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