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"Hello." Jeon tried to approach her. "My name is Hamster. You like Hamsters?"
His way to tackle kids was mind blowing; atleast to me. Because I am not good at it. Not at all.

"What is your name little fairy?" He asked her.

"Shelly." She replied. This time, she was a bit comfortable.

"You wanna go outside?" The man who was standing behind me asked her. The girl didn't reply. "Maybe we should let the cops handle her." He said as if he didn't care.

We didn't knew where we had crashed. But it was sure that the police of the area and the rescue team would come here to help us. But we didn't had much time either. The plane could explode anytime. We didn't knew the damage. So it was safe to just get outside as soon as possible.

I saw Jeon. He was talking and convincing the girl to come out with us. Finally she nodded and got up.

"Mom is dead." She pointed out to the woman that laid motionless on the ground. Then grabbed Jeon p's fingers and walked away.
Her words were harsh. It gave me goosebumps. How does it feels to lose your beloved? If you want the answer, ask Jeon.

We then headed to the door. It was already open. Infact, there was no door. My eyes adjusted and a unfamiliar view came in sight.

It didn't crashed in a city or something. We crashed in a forest.

I saw trees all around and some logs where few people were sitting. I didn't recognise them. Then I saw the man who was in red tie before when I was helping Pricilla. He had some blood on his white shirt. I now understood that they were the passengers of the same air plane.

"Hello there. Can you tell me where we....." Jeon asked as he approached an old man who was sitting with a woman on the logs. Jeon paused as he noticed his bruised leg.
"How did da... Are you that passengers..."

"Yes. We are of the same airplane." The man who wore red tie before, approached Jeon.
"I am Hudson. Hudson Barber." He introduced him self, shaking hands with Jeon.

It was pretty weird that he was introducing himself in the middle of nowhere. I didn't understood him until he explained.

"Well. Now the question is why am I introducing myself. You see. We are in an unknown forest. So to make our way out, we have to be together. So introduction is important."

He sounded right.

"I am Jazlyn and this is my friend Jeon."

"Nice to meet you. And who's the girl there?" He pointed to Shelly, who was lurking around the crashed plane.

"Her name is Shelly. Her mother is dead. So I guess we have to keep her with us." Jeon explained.

I looked around me. I could see tall green trees. Some broken because of the crash and some standing 10 feet high. I turned facing the plane and took two huge steps back to observe it. I noted that the left wing was broken in a messy way. The door was broken and laid on the ground. Some windows were scratched and the plane looked, overall, disfigured.

I glanced at the people around me. There was a 20 year old looking boy who had his head smashed. He was dressing it with the first aid kit, that he probably had bought from the airplane. Beside him, was sitting a woman who was sobbing hard. She didn't seem to have any major injury. She just kept crying. There was another man, who stood with Hudson and Jeon. He looked like a boss. I scanned him. He had his ankle hurt. He seemed in his fifties. He was talking to Hudson. Not talking actually, but seemed like screaming on him. Jeon was trying to calm him down.

I tried to approach them but some one caught me from the behind.

I turned around to see a girl. She had red hairs and blue eyes. I looked at her. Then noticed her hand. It was on her stomach.

"Ple.. Please.. Help me." She said with an extreme pain. I tired to catch her but she fell on the ground.

"Hey . Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" I asked her as she kept her hand firm on her stomach. I thought that it was the site of pain. So I lifted her shirt up that was covered in blood.
I sa blood coming out without great speed.

"Oh my god. Jeon!" I screamed.

He hurried to me, leaving Hudson and the other man quarreling. He took a look and then reached for the medical box that was at some distance. We had a medical emergency.

Her guys,
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I am waiting!

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