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Can land move? All by itself? Huh.. Strange to believe right? But whatever happened to us till now wasn't unstrange either. So, it became an easy thing for me to accept. Well, until you are here, anything is possible. Whether it be the unidentifiable hideous predators or the never ending walk.

"I am hungry." Lavender grabbed hard her stomach as she walked. So was I. I had searched the airplane for some food but it had none. I also looked for my handbag because it had some medicines and other important stuff. But I just didn't find it. But I had my suitcase that was safe. So I changed my clothes and wiped myself. I also gave Lavender a pair of jeans and a top as she had her luggage submitted to the airport staff. I had found another handbag which had some napkins and face towels along with a sanatizer and some makeup. Makeup was of no use to me, so I removed it away. I found a cellphone too. It was 87% charged. So I exchanged the battery with my cellphone which was just about to die.

"What kind of an island is this? No worthy trees!" She said, annoyed.

Just as she spoke, we heard a faint voice.
"Hello? Is anyone here?"

Both of stared in each other's eyes. "Human." We whispered together. Then looked around us. I could only see the woods. The trees stood tall around us, it was difficult to make a distant sight.

"Hey...anyone.. I need a little help here. Please. Somebody!" It spoke again.

I could make out that it was male. The soft voice had a little pain.

"Who is this? Where are you?" I responded this time.

"Hello hello. Hey .. I am here. Please help me." It said in a hurry with a fear of not losing us.

"It's coming from here." Lavender pointed out and I followed her.

We stepped to the right of our way. There were some small bushes that landed us to a wide landscape. My eyes gleamed as it saw light green grass shining till the other side.
Beautiful! After a long time of wandering in the unenticing thicket, I had seen something that was really worth adoring.
The 4 feet tall light green grass and the harsh rays of the sun hitting them seemed ethereal. But the glow was ephemeral.

"Hey.." My sight turned to the source of voice. "Oh.. Thank goodness! Humans..finally."
I scanned the male who was lying at some distance. He wasn't actually lying; I noticed that he had one of his legs under a giant log. He was facing the ground in and awkwardly uncomfortable way. I later realised that he was stuck.

"Hello.. Um..can you please help me. You see I am a bit ...well...a lot uncomfortable here." He said with some pain in his voice.

I was dragged out into the present.

"What in the world? How did you get in there?" Lavender asked as she approached him. He was lying right at the start of the grassy.

"This is no time to explain. Help me out as soon as possible." He choked his words.

I hurried to him. I looked around to find something that could help us get that log off.
Lavender got a thin stick from somewhere and handed me. "Are you kidding me? Have you see the size and the thickness of the log?" I taunted her.
She giggled and turned away.

I threw the stick away and approached the log to try pushing it away. "Come here and help me."

Lavender and I pushed the log hard. It took us some time, but we were successful.

He turned around, laid on his back and sighed hard.
I saw his face clearly now. He seemed to have a fair skin; but mud and dirt covered it with some bloodstains. He had blonde straight hairs and brown eyes with a sharp jawline. He wore a shirt and half pants and seemed a foreigner with a strudy muscle physique.
He loosened himself which indicated that it was hard for him to be in that position for long.

"How long have you been like this?" Lavender voiced my words.

He glanced. Then with a smile on his face, he answered. "Five hours maybe!"
I eyed him and then to Lavender. That musta been a hard time!

"Let's go." Lavender ordered me as she walked towards the wide grassland.

Before I could repond, he made a statement.
"Where? In the land you see is beautiful?"

I didn't understand what he meant. Confused, I asked, "What makes you say that?"

He stood up carefully and faced me. "Theodore." He gave me a hand to shake. I had to get my answer so I just shook my hand haywire to quicken the moment.

"I just made my way from The there." He pointed to the landscape. "If it's been a day for you here, then you must've known about the Hideaks."

He was talking about the beasts.

"Well.. My jet crashed on that side..unfortunately. Among the 5 of us, it is only me surviving now."

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