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It was an aeroplane. It had crashed too. But it's condition was more severe that our plane. I read the faint name. It was Canadian airlines.

The actual thought was for how did the airplane that was near the beach reached 5 kilometres away to the volcano? Surprisingly, it was another airplane. '3 airplanes crashed on this island.' I concluded.

"We'll stay here for the night." Hudson told us.

It wasn't night time yet. An hour more to go. Still, it was good for me and for the others. Atleast we were somewhere safe and somewhere we could rest.

I made my way back to get Lavender and Shelly and Mr. Green. They were the only one whom I really cared for since the crash. And of course, Jeon and Hudson too. Maybe because they were the best ones of the group, or because I only knew them.

Tom came in view. He was heading in the opposite direction. He gave me a faint smile and made his way. I guess that I cared for Tom too. But my emotions were mixed at that time. Fear of the hideous creatures, care for the ones I know and the terrific thought of losing them, excitement of having a place for rest and worries of my life outside the island.

I walked to Mr. Green who still had Shelly in his arms. "She's sleeping?"

He nodded. Then slipped her into his other arm. I guessed his arms were paining. I was walking with nothing in my hands and still was so tired. Mr. Green had Shelly in his arms the whole time. It must had been more exhausting for him.

I grabbed Lavender who was stumbling to walk. "What is it?" I asked. She was fine before and walked comfortably. But I didn't know what hurt her now.

"The wound is hurting badly. More than before." She tried to explain as she stumbled her way through the creepy bushes.

I was making way for her feet so I noticed something on the ground. It was some sort of red mark. My eyes followed it. It went straight to the broken part of the airplane. The red marks were also on the plane. It seemed like something was dragged.

I bent down on the ground to examine it. It didn't seemed natural, so I found it suspicious. I touched it. It was dried. It wasn't some colour, but seemed very much like dried liquid. Later I realised that it was blood.

"The predators have been here." Lavender told me as she bent down carefully holding her injuries. "Its dried. Dried blood."

"I guess they dragged bodies from the plane." I sounded harsh. I didn't really wanted to say that but it was what it looked like. "Come."
I got up and helped Lavender up too.

I looked up. Everyone was sitting outside the plane. One man was trying to get inside while another was helping him. The door was far up and high. So it seemed difficult to get in.

I placed Lavender on the broken wing of the plane. She lifted her top to see the bruised.
The dressing was now covered with blood. The injury was far more severe.
"We cannot afford losing more blood." I told her.

I went up to the airplane door. The old man was still struggling his way in. Jeon was standing at a distance. I went upto him.

"Lavender is bleeding." I alerted him.

He looked up to me and then to the door. "There must be another way in." He walked away sighting the plane.

This plane must carry a medical kit like our plane did. That was what we were upto. I followed him round the plane. I then located the broken part that could help us in. It was the same part of the plane that I had noticed blood marks on.

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