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Before he could see us, sometype of faint sound shivered him and he altered himself. All the rage washed away. Like a puppy, the creature bent down, waved his tail and vanished somewhere away.

I sighed really hard. I didn't think of what had happened was suspicious since fear killed me almost that very moment. I swear if the creature had even turned to me and had made an eye contact, I would have died without him killing me.

"Terrific!" Preston exclaimed as he sighed.

Jeon was now sitting on the ground and taking huge breaths. I gussed that the presence of the creature choked him too.

I narrowed the gap between my knees and sat close to him, supporting my spine with the airplane.

"You okay?" I asked him.

He didn't reply, just nodded.

Just then I heard someone crying out loud. First it was a scream, then a hard cry followed it. I could make out that it was a woman.

"Let's go check it out." Preston made him way to the sound. Jeon got up and lend me a hand. I grabbed and he pulled me up.

We walked to where the others were sitting. A scene came in view.
I could now see the back of the lady who was crying. He was on some person who stayed motionless. Hudson was standing nearby and the complain-box was as usual, rudely sitting a couple of feet away frouthe group. He didn't seem much angry this time. I could notice some fear too.
I made my way to the lady. Lavender and an another woman was sitting with the old lady. I peeped in to see the dead person. It was her husband.

A chill ran down my spine and I shivered hard as I saw the condition of the brutality. A large bite on the man's neck from where a stream of blood was running down. Some harsh scratches on his face disorted it. His chest was open and seemed like a large amount of flesh was scooped out.

All of that gave worms in my stomach. After noticing the severe condition, I didn't dare to take my next step to them. The first tear drop rushed down to my cheeks from my left eye. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from screaming.

Jeon came and hugged me tight from the behind. I hugged him tighter.

In my whole life, I had never see someone die so difficult. Honestly, I was always and am still sensitive. Even when it comes to animals or some birds, I cannot resist but cry. I never had ever imagined such a death nor seen in real life. Neither I dare to see such flims.

At that time, I didn't knew the pain of the old wife who had to unwantedly see his husband dead. On the top it, he was brutally murdered by a savage predator.


She was still crying. But a little less violantly this time. Emerald was giving her emotional support by sitting next to her and sobbing.

Jeon and Preston had dried their wounds. Lavender did had a hard swelling. But we didn't encounter a bleeding case since we dressed her up by the some that we had from our air plane.

It was night now. Some had a lighter so we could make a bonfire. Everyone was sitting around as it was getting more cooler and chilling as the night deepened.

"Rice?" I looked up and smiled as I saw Jeon hand me an aluminum box with some rice in it.

I was so hungry. Without caring about anything else, I started to dig in. It wasn't delicious, but I had to eat the only option.

"What do you call this? Food? Yuck.. Get me something worth eating." The man yelled as he threw the box from his hand into the fire.

"Hey what do you think you are doing? We only have that much.. And you are wasting it?" The boy with blue highlights got up and yelled back.

"Listen big guy. If you don't wanna eat, die. We damn care. But at least don't waste food that can fill some others." Hudson poked him calmly.

The man rolled his eyes and hit a stone. Accidentally, it hit a boy who got in it's way.

"Damn it! Somebody tell this crowtit to shut up the damn shits he's doing. Or I am gonna kill him!" The boy yelled as he massaged his ankle. He was, again, one of those whom I didn't paid special attention to. He looked a Chinese. Small eyes, white acne skin and green highlights on his blonde straight hair.
He seemed angry. So was everyone else.

"Who you calling a crowtit huh? You came in my way. Shut up and sit there."

The response of the attacker made the boy ferocious. He dropped what was in his hand and in an intense speed reached for the man. He had his hands on his neck.

"Hoshi.. No." Preston got up and reached to unwind his hands around the man's neck.

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