Raina: Chapter 25

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The queen had been right.  Loki was at Amora’s side every second he could.  To everyone else, it was Loki’s way of lashing out at his father.  To Thor, it looked off.  My brother loves Raina.  Thor looked at his brother now.  He didn’t look the same as he did the other night.  He had caught his brother in the middle of the night one time with a book in his hand and walking in the direction of Raina’s bedroom.

“I…I read to her,” Loki explained.

Thor gave him a light smile, “Do you think she can hear you, brother?”

Loki had looked into his brother’s eyes, “I do not know, but I am hopeful that she can hear my voice and will follow it back to me.”

Thor wanted to weep for his brother.  Here he was losing the love of his life and yet he was hopeful.  Raina was bringing Jane back to Thor.  Loki’s love was bringing back his own love.

“What is the book of choice tonight?” Thor asked.

Loki revealed a book of gold covering with many intricate jewels in numerous colors and sizes, “It is called ‘Sleeping Beauty’.  It is from the Midgard section of the library.  I thought it was appropriate for this occasion.”  There was a hint of a smile on his face.

Thor put his hand on his brother’s shoulder and gave it a light squeeze, “She will come out of this.”

Loki had left with a smile on his face, on his way to read to the love of his life.

And now here he was with Amora wrapped around her.  Thor thought this wasn’t right at all.

“Do you notice something different about Loki?” he asked Heimdall.

Heimdall didn’t have to look at Loki to know, “He has been spelled.  And we cannot break it.”

Thor grew angry, “Amora.”

Heimdall just shook his head and replied, “She has been after the Asgardian throne for quite some time.  If she can’t have you, then she will take the next in line.”

“We have to warn Raina,” Thor looked at his friend, “She has to know what is going on.”

“She will be returning soon.  Do not worry, Thor,” Heimdall calmly.

Thor trusted Heimdall’s intuition, but that didn’t mean he would not say something to his brother.  He approached the couple as they were sitting on plush sofa barely an inch between them, “May I speak with my brother alone?”

Loki looked at her and said, “It will only be a second, my precious.”

Amora kissed his cheek, “I will miss you.”

He gave haughty chuckle, “And I you.”  She left satisfied with this answer.

Loki looked at his brother with an annoyed look, “What is it, Thor?”

“What has happened to you?  The other night you were on your way to Raina’s room to read to her and now you are draped in the arms of Amora,” Thor hoped to make his brother see reason.

“Well, Amora made me see that aching over a woman that will one day wake up and marry my brother was an utter waster of my time.  She told me that I needed to move on before she woke.  It would be easier for me to see you marry her this way,” Loki said mechanically.

Thor was frustrated, “I am not marrying Raina.  You knew this before I even proposed to her.”

Loki laughed, “I guess I just don’t want a wench that chooses to plot and plan behind my back.”

Thor shook his head and looked at his brother angrily, “You are a fool, Loki.”  He walked away before he did something to his brother that he would regret.  He knew that Loki was spelled by the Enchantress, but he felt like they were losing Loki.  Loki had changed in the time that Raina had come to Asgard.  He knew that Loki let that girl escape for Raina.  A few months ago, Loki would have relished in her death, not caring that she had family or even that she was just a girl that made a mistake.

Love had changed Loki.  Thor smiled at this.  All it took was love to change Loki.  Loki needed someone to find him before he could be free. 

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