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Gerard sat and shared the alcohol with Frank while they waited for the other campers to get unpacked.

"Hey, Gee?" Frank slurred, obviously drunk. Gerard laughed at how little it took for him to get in this intoxicated state.

"Yes, Frank?" He asked. 

"Let's go to the Lake," Frank suggested. Gerard shrugged and agreed, grabbing his hand, leading him out of the cabin. Several groups of people passed them, blocking his view. Frank tugged on Gee's arm, pointing behind the cabins. He looked around Frank and there it was- the lake. There was a shorter walk this way- but there were tons of rocks and trees for Frank to trip over. He looked at Frank again, who was angrily staring at his shoes, sighed, and then picked Frank up bridal style and began walking through the trees to get to the dirty lake. Frank squealed and clapped his hands.

"Yayyy! Gee has to carry me!" He said, giggling.

"How much vodka did you drink?" Gerard asked him. 

"Twelve!" He said, definitively. Gee sighed and shook his head, smiling. 

"Oh jeez," Gerard said, laughing at his drunk roommate as they reached the lake. When Frank saw the water, he jumped out of Gerard's arms, falling on his knees, but getting up a few seconds after and running into the water, in all of his clothes. Gerard smiled and walked to the edge of the dock and sat down, watching Frank swim.

"Hey, Gee! Watch me!" Frank said, going underwater. Gerard watched him, waiting for his head to pop up, but when about twenty seconds passed, He began to get worried.

"Frank?" Gerard called. Frank still didn't come up. The water was clear enough for him to see the outline of Frank's motionless body. He began to panic, jumping in the water, fully clothed, preparing to go after the younger boy. Gerard swam frantically through the mossy water, trying to reach Frank. He dove under the cold lake water, grabbing Frank's torso and lifting him up, carrying him to the dock.

"Frank! Wake up!" Gerard cried. He didn't know what to do. After about thirty seconds, Gerard laid his head on Frank's chest, sobbing.

"Frank.." Gerard sobbed.  

"Is he okay?" Someone asked from behind Gerard. Gerard turned around, tears still staining his cheeks. 

"N-No... I don't think so.." Gerard cried. The other boy checked Frank's wrist for a pulse. The other boy sighed and gave a small smile.

"He's alive, just unconscious. I can help you take care of him until he wakes up." The brunette answered. Gerard hesitantly agreed, picking Frank up and carrying him to the dorm, the brunette boy following. 

"So, um... what's your name?" Gerard asked awkwardly.

"Oh, um my name is Ryan." He said, cautiously.  

"I'm Gerard," Gee said, not looking back at Ryan.

"Are you sure that he'll be okay?" Gerard asked, looking down at Frank worriedly. Ryan sheepishly smiled.

"Yes- he's just unconscious," Ryan said, trying to calm Gerard down. Ryan opened the door to Frank and Gerard's dorm, allowing Gerard to go in and put Frank on his bed.
"Why didn't you put Frank on his own bed?" Ryan asked. Gerard sat next to Frank. 

"Because his bed isn't made all the way," Gerard said, moving a few loose strands of hair out of Frank's face.

"Are you two together?" Ryan asked, expecting a yes. Gerard quickly turned to face Ryan. 

"No. Why?" Gerard said.  Ryan smiled and looked at Frank. 

"You like him?" Ryan asked. 

"Not like that,"  Gerard stuttered. Ryan smirked and sighed. 

"Whatever you say."


ry is smart huntys!!!! he sees what we see

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