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Frank's POV

As we arrived at Mr. Manson's office, the first thing we noticed was how fucking creepy it was. It was sloppily painted black, and the only window was covered with dark red curtains, not allowing any sunlight to enter the room.

The only light in his small office was a tall lamp in the corner of the room, and a smaller desk lamp sitting next to a thick book. Gerard picked up the book and read the front out loud-

"Behind The Paint." Gerard smiled. "I've read this. It's pretty good, actually. It's about The Insane Clown Posse." He stated, returning the book back to it's original place as the door creaked open, revealing the pale camp director. He slammed the door shut behind him and walked to his desk, sitting in his black office chair.

"Now," he sighed, "would either of you boys like to explain yourselves?" Gerard cleared his throat but said nothing.

"I got mad at Gerard for spilling water on my sheets so I ignored him at lunch. He must've gotten upset and kicked the door in. I saw him get in trouble, so I asked him what the fuck he did. You know the rest." I lied. Mr. Manson sighed and opened a drawer in his desk, pulling out two thin, maybe 50 page, booklets. He slid them across his desk and nodded at them, signaling for us to pick them up. So we did.

"I have decided that you two will not participate in camp activities for two days. You must stay in your dorms. I'll have a fellow camper bring you food. You must not leave your dorm unless you hear me come over the loudspeaker and instruct everyone to. And I want you to read those booklets. It's the rules of the camp. Now, go straight to your dorm. Dismissed." He said, putting his feet up on his desk. So we left as fast as we could.

"So much for staying on his good side," Gerard grumbled, rolling up the rulebook and shoving it in the pocket of his tight, black skinny jeans. I decided to do the same. When we arrived at our dorm, I saw two men were replacing our door. I saw our old, rotting door with a huge portion of it kicked in, and I realized something.

Gerard must've actually been jealous of the hug.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, letting it go afterward. His face went red. I giggled.

"Buster." He said. I smiled, watching the men finish putting on our new door. As they walked away, one of them stopped and pointed at Gerard.

"Don't let this happen again, kid, or we won't replace the little shit." He growled. Gerard spat at him.

"Okay, mister," I said, making the man glare, but walk away. Gerard stormed into the dorm, slamming the door behind him. I gently opened the door again and walked in to find Gerard sitting on his bed, fingers tangled in his greasy hair, muttering angrily.

"Hey, Gee?" I asked. He looked up.

"What?" He snapped.

"Do you have any vodka left? Maybe we can share it." I said, quietly. He grunted, signaling to his bag.

"There's some in there. Now leave me alone, Frank. Please." His head hit his pillow, and he turned his back to me and faced the wall, pulling his knees up to his chest, falling asleep. I sighed, forgetting about the alcohol,  and went to the bathroom, finding a window that leads directly to the lake. I quietly climbed out and ran to the lakeside, and pressed my body against one of the thick oak tree trunks, falling asleep.


When I woke up, the sun was setting. It must've been about 9:30 pm. I cursed at myself, running between the trees, tripping on a tree root and gashing my knee open.

"Fuck!" I screamed, blood beginning to soak into my faded, now ripped black jeans and pool into my hand. I limped back to my dorm, climbing in the bathroom window again, causing a  trail of blood to be left on the windowsill of the dorm. Gerard must've heard me, because he ran in, tears streaked down his face.

"Where the fuck were you?" He panicked, grabbing some old Metallica t-shirt from his bag and wrapping my knee with it. I explained everything to him. And he panicked.

"I thought you had died or something! It's been hours, you asshole!" He yelled, slicking back his hair. I felt a few tears streak down my face.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, looking down. He grabbed the collar of my shirt, making me look up at him. And then he kissed me. Roughly. Passionately. But unfortunately, quickly. He broke the kiss and went back to wrapping up my bleeding leg. I sat there, shocked, forgetting about my knee entirely. 


first kiss huntys omg

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