Pearl beach

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"But father, I don't love him"

"Ariana, this is how it's supposed to be my princess, our kingdoms must unite"

"Why father?"

"That's the end of the conversation, go to your room"

I ran to my room crying

I couldn't stop thinking that this wasn't fair

You are supposed to love the person you are going to marry

I hate being royalty, I'm screwed

I decided to sent a letter to my lover, Justin

Dear Justin,
I tried my best to convince my father but couldn't, I wish we could be together but I guess we can't. I just want to let you know that no matter what happens I love you forever and always
Yours truly, Princess Ariana

I hope he understands

I was brushing my hair when Prince Charlie, the one I'm supposed to marry, knocked on my door

"May I come in?"

"What do you need Charlie?"

"I wish to give you a good night kiss"

"I don't mean to be rude but no thank you"

"Why not princess?"

Why can't he just shut up and leave?

What do I tell him?

*because I don't fucking want your disgusting kisses you dumbass*

"Goodnight Charlie"

I hope that makes him leave

"Goodnight my love"

Why can't he understand that I don't love him?!

It already 1:00 a.m and I can't manage to sleep

I keep thinking about Justin

The first time we met...


"Excuse me"

I bumped into someone and fell down

A boy

"I'm so sorr- Princess Ariana"

"Shhh, I'm not supposed to be here"

"I'm so sorry, it's my fault you fell, it won't happen again"

"Don't worry"

"My name is Justin, Justin Bieber"

"Well nice to meet you Justin Bieber"

I couldn't help but notice that he was so cute

"Do you maybe want to spend the day together?"

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