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"Ari? Is everything alright?"

"No it's not!"

"What's wrong"

I was fucking pissed at the moment

"She comes back from the dead and wants money, from who? From me. She was asking for money because she is fucking pregnant and can't take care of the baby alone"

I talked too fast and now I'm out of breath

"Wow, slow down sweetie, calm down and breathe"

"I'm sorry Justin, I just can't believe that after all this time..."

"I know love, this must be horrible for you"

"It is"

"Ok, calm down and tell me what's wrong"

"She said that she needed money because she is pregnant"

"Pregnant? How old is your mother?"

"She had me when she was very young, she should be about 45 or something"

"Wow, okay, this is a lot to take in"

"I know"

"Do we know who the father is?"

"She said it was not important"

"So it was probably a mistake"

"Yeah, and she needs money"

"Did you give her any?"

"No, I said I would talk to you"

"What did she say?"

"She was surprised I was married"


"Yeah. What do you think we should do?"

"I think we should let her stay with us for a while and then we can see what we do"

"I don't know Justin, she practically lied about being dead"

"I know, but she is your mother after all"

"You are right. We will let her stay but not as my mother, just someone who needs help"

"Ok, contact her"

I found out that somehow she had slipped her phone number in my purse

I called her


What should I say?

"Umm, hello"


"You are welcomed to stay with us for as long as you like, we are not giving you any money"

"God bless you Ariana thank you"

"What is your location? My friend Harry will pick you up"

"Anastasia State Park"

"He will be there in 20 minutes, goodbye"

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