The land of no fantasy

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"Ok, I don't understand a fuck about what's happening"

We were all sitting down in the living room

"I know Jus, none of us do, but we have to work on it together. This is our new life"

"Well, at least we are together"

"That's right father, we are here for each other"

"Well, we better start settling in"

"I have no clue how we are going to do that but we can definitely try"


"Yes love?"

"What's this?"

A folded paper with some numbers

I took it and unfolded it

It read:

call me if you need anything. -Harry

Justin was going to be fucking jealous


"Huh? Oh! It's just a piece of paper! Nothing much!"

He took it from my hands and read it, his face immediately turned red

"I'm going to go find that asshole and kill him"

"Justin! Calm down! He's just being nice, trying to help! He probably noticed we were kind of lost. Breathe"

He did trying to calm down

"Ok, fine, but I make the call"

We dialed his number and waited for him to pick up


"Hello Harry this is Justin Bieber, Ariana's HUSBAND"

He was being jealous again so I just laughed

"Oh, hey Justin"

"Mr. Bieber for you"

Oh my God!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bieber. What can I do for you"

"We need help"

"I'll be there in five minutes"


End of call

"Oh my God Justin! You are as jealous as fuck! I love you"

"I love you too"

Five minutes later Harry arrived, as promised

"Hello everyone!"

"Hello Harry!"



"Nice to meet you Mr. Styles, I'm Ariana's father"

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