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"Thank you for helping me defeat Shawnko Jus"

"He is still out there Ari"

"I know, but at least we are together right?"


I suddenly felt really bad

Like I wanted to throw up

"Are you okay Ari?"

"No, Jus what if...?"

"Lets go to the doctor, this has happened before, we can take it"


"Well, she is fine"

"Great, can we leave now?"

"Not yet Mr. Bieber. Can I please talk to Ariana alone?"

"Why? I need to be here, she's my wife Doctor"

"I know, but I need to tell her something first"

He left annoyed

I sent him a kiss earning a grin

"So, is everything alright doctor? I have to be honest, you are scaring me"

"You are pregnant Miss Grande"


"Wait... what? Really?! Oh my God!"

I couldn't help but scream

Justin came running in as soon as he heard me

"What happened?!"

"Jus!!! You are going to be a father!"

His expression was indescribable

"There is going to be a tiny me?!!!"

"Yes love!"

"Ari!!! This is amazing"

He started running around saying

"I'm going to be a father! I'm going to be a father!"

I couldn't help but smile

I'm so darn happy right now

I can't explain what I'm feeling

"I'm sure you'll be a great father Jus"

"Oh you bet I am, I'm going to be the best father ever"

Then he kneeled down and kissed my belly

"Hello baby, I'm your daddy, I can't wait to meet you"

"You are too sweet Justin"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"We should probably go tell your father"

"Yes we should"

I called my father I told him that we wanted to talk to him

"Hello father!"

"Ari! My princess! How are you sweetie?"

"I'm good father thanks"

"Justin! Hello! Have you been taking care of my daughter?"

"Of course sir, as always"

"What did you want to tell me Ari?"

"Well father today we went to the doctor"

"Doctor? Why? Are you okay?"

"I'm okay father. Today I was feeling pretty bad, we went and it turns out that... I'm pregnant"

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