The chest

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"Here is our part of the deal, now your turn to give us your part"

I left the chest in a table, he opened it making sure that the treasure was there

"Here it is"

He gave me a cup with a purple liquid

"Do I just give it to him?"

"Yeah, you can mix it with other liquids, like water if you want"

"Thanks Shawnko, when will you give me back the chest?"

"Tomorrow morning"

"What are you using it for?"

"I already told you, my enemy"

"How can my father's greatest treasure help with your revenge?"

"Because you may not know this, but this treasure has a little bit of revenge in it"

"Is that so?"

"Did you ever meet your mother Ariana?"


"Well, I did, she was a lovely lady"

"Wait... did you...?"

"Yes, I used to love her, but someone took her from me"

"Wait, this is not for my father right?"

"Don't worry princess, it won't hurt him, it will just give me enough time to steal something I want"

"Why didn't you say that before? I could've gotten whatever it is that you want instead"

"The thing that I'm seeking for is not ordinary"

"What is it?"

"You mother's soul"


"When will you forgive me?"

"I forgive you Jus, but it's going to take some time for me to understand things"

"So you forgive me?"

"Of course I do, I will always love you no matter what"

"I love you too"

"And that's what hurts the most; you can hurt me, break my heart, leave me dead inside, but I will still love you, I will always love you"

"I'm so sorry!"

"I said I forgive you, I need time. You owe me that"

"You are right, take your time"

I am so fucking confused right now, I don't know what to do anymore

I say I'd forgive him, but I'm not sure

I love him so much it hurts


"Why do you want my mother's soul?"

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