Prince Charlie

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"Yes father?"

"Your fiancé has arrived, come meet him"

I already had a fiancé by the time I was born, and I hate that

"Ariana, this is Charlie"

"Hello Prince Charlie, I'm delighted to meet you"

"Hello Princess Ariana, you look gorgeous today"

"Thank you Prince Charlie"

"Ariana why don't you and Charlie go have some tea and talk?"

This is killing me! Get me out of here!

"So, Charlie, what do you want to talk about?"

At least the tea was exquisite

"We should talk about all of my trophies"

Oh God...

He is one of those

Maybe if I try daydreaming about Justin, the boredom will go away


"What will I tell my father Justin?"

"Nothing at all, we have to wait for all of this to be over and then we will tell him don't worry"

"I love you"

"I love you more"

"We both know that's not true"

"You are so cute"


"What's wrong?"

"I have to go, or else my father will suspect"

"You are right! Can I see you tomorrow?"

"I don't know Justin, you know things are right now, but I'll let you know"

I ran back home and tried my best not to get noticed, but to my surprise my father was awake

"Oh hello father, what are you doing? It's kind of late don't you think?"

"I could say the same thing Ariana, where were you?"

Shit! What do I tell him now?

*I was with the secret fiancé I never told you about father*

"I forgot to pay for some accessories for my wedding dress father"

"Is that so?"

I'm screwed

"And why so late Ariana?"

"I was supposed to pay for it this afternoon but I forgot"

"Ariana please stop lying to me and tell me the truth"

"Sit down father"

I have to tell him everything

"Father please understand that I didn't tell you this because you were not going to approve"

"Approve what darling?"

My princess Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora