Harry and Grace

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"I'm fucking scared"

"I am too Jus, can you hold my hand?"

"You don't have to ask twice"

"Ok lovebirds, welcome to six flags"

It was probably bigger than my realm, and there was a lot of noise, people screaming

"Mmmm, Harry?"


"Are they killing someone? Why are people screaming?"

He laughed, as if my question was actually funny!

"Of course not, that's called having fun"

"What is that called?"

"It's called a roller coaster"

"What does it do?"

"Come on, I'll show you"

"No way"

"Why not?"

"I'm scared as fuck"

"I know that Ari, but trust me"


"Yes love?"

"Can you maybe go with me?"

"Of course"

We went on the roller coaster and I was already shaking by the time we got on

One of the people who worked there told me the rules and asked me if I was pregnant

"Yes I am"

"Then you can't ride"


"How many months have you been pregnant?"

"About 1 and a half"

"Oh, then you can"


I put my seatbelt thing on and held Justin's hand


I screamed so loudly I thought my vocal cords would explode

Every time we went down, like a slide, I felt weird things in my stomach, I don't know, like evil butterflies

The ride was over and I wanted to go again

"That was so fun!!!"

"See? I told you"

"Thank you Harry!"

I hugged him, but regretted it when Justin's face started to turn red



"Please don't be mad, we are here to have fun"

"I know, I just don't like him"


"Because he was been hitting on you since we arrived"

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