Chapter 2

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"They say pictures tell a thousand words?
Well, I say a thousand stories"
~ @D-Cristen116 from I Want To Smile

Suddenly a clearing of a throat was heard.

"Excuse me," a young lady spoke timidly, "are you still taking pictures?"

"Ah..." Kabe started.

"How'd you get in here?" Ryan interrupted Kabe.

"I... I pushed the door open... and... and I walked in," the lady stuttered clearly intimidated by Ryan.

"I don't mean like that! The door was closed and had the I'm sorry but we're closed sign on the door!"

"The door was opened and the sign had said you were opened, though it contradicted the opening hours on the door since it says you are closed at nine p.m. but it's nine thirty," she spoke up sounding only slightly less timid.

"Hey, no need to be harsh to the lady," Kabe interjected.

"No, we aren't taking any more pictures for the day," Ryan said aggressively totally ignoring what Kabe had just said.

"Bro, you need to chill. You don't have to set back up anything and I'll take the picture, okay," Kabe said tight lipped as if trying to send Ryan a message.

Ryan spun around and walked off.

"Just give me a moment to set these things back up," Kabe said to the lady.

"Sure," she replied and stepped out of the way.

Not long after Kabe had completed setting back up the equipment.

"Have a seat on this stool," he said to the lady while pointing at it, "Sorry for my co-worker's behaviour not too long ago."

"That's okay," she replied shyly while heading over to the seat.

Kabe walked a few steps back and positioned himself in line with the lady. "Okay, back straight and flash your best smile," he said then brought the camera up to his face and snapped the picture. He then removed the camera from his face and looked at the picture he just took, "It came out pretty great, would you like to see it?" he asked her.

"No, it's fine."

"Alright then. Fill this form out, it just asks what sizes you want the picture and how you would like it presented."

She took the form from him and quickly filled it out and left.

Kabe chuckled to himself thinking how strange it was that she didn't want to see how her picture looked.

"Took you long enough," Ryan said coming into view.

Kabe turned around and looked at him, "What's your problem?"

"My problem!? Do you know how creepy it is to close a door and flip a sign saying the place is closed, just to see someone waltz in as if it's not almost the middle of the night and casually asking if you're still taking pictures!" By the end of his statement he was fuming.

"Shoot!" Kabe exclaimed and stomped his foot on the ground.

"What did you forget now?" Ryan asked knowingly.

"I didn't tell her when to come back for the pictures."

"That's the least," Ryan said, brushing it off, "It's not like it's the first time you haven't told someone when to come for a picture. She'll most likely come for it when she thinks you're done."

"Did you make sure the door was really locked this time?"

"Of course! I don't plan on getting a heart attack any time soon."

"You know what was strange?" Kabe asked with a sudden change of topic.

"What's that?" Ryan questioned after having drawn a chair out and taking a seat.

"She didn't ask to see her pictures even when I asked her if she wanted to. All she said was no, it's fine."

"Well she doesn't look like the kind who'd look at a reflection of herself much less a picture of herself in public," Ryan noted.

"Oh yeah? Why'd you say that?" Kabe challenged.

"Just look at her posture and the way she talks; it doesn't exactly say confidence or strong self esteem. Well if you don't look close enough."

"And don't forget the way you shouted at her earlier either."

"A normal human reaction," Ryan defended himself.

While they had been talking Kabe had been transferring the pictures he had taken for the day onto the computer and adjusting them. Today had not been a busy day for them since it was a Monday and business was usually slow on Mondays. He finally came upon the last picture he had taken.

He zoomed in and erased the camera lights from her eyes. After that had done, he zoomed out and looked over the picture and then the look of her eyes into the camera lens hit him.

"Ryan," Kabe whispered.

"Yeah?" Ryan looked up from his phone immediately.

"Look at this."

Ryan got up and walked over to Kabe and peered down at the computer.

"Look at her picture. Don't her eyes just scream... help?"

Did any of you think it was a ghost that had entered? If not what or who do you think it was? What are your thoughts on this chapter?

Any of heard about the eclipse that's going to happen on Monday!? Well look out for it!

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Look out next week Friday for a double update!!

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