Chapter 18

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“ They can take my heart,
They can take my breathe,
When they pry it from my cold, dead chest,
This is how we rise up!
Heavy as a hurricane, louder than  a freight train!
It's our resistance
You can't resist us! ”
~ The Resistance by Skillet

"You're so stupid Kabe! That was a clear shot and yet somehow you manage to miss!" Robert shouted at Kabe.

"I told you already I wasn't good at this so stop rubbing it in," Kabe grumbled.

"Yeah but the point of a penalty shot is so dumb players, like you can have a chance of scoring at least one goal," Robert continued enjoying taunting Kabe.

"Dude, what in I'm not good at this don't you understand. You know what I believe?"


"They made this game so people like you can feel good about yourself because you can't play soccer in real life," Kabe smirked knowing he definitely hit a spot.

"No don't even-" Robert stopped mid sentence his fingers stilling on the control.

"Did you hear that?" he questioned Kabe in a low tone.

Kabe stopped playing also and looked over to him, "No… what did you hear?"

"Like a grunt. There is the sound again."

They both pushed themselves up off the ground and ran upstairs from the basement.

They both skid to a halt to see Chantal having a lady in a choke hold and Lizzy with a rope wrapping around the lady's ankles.

"Liz! Chantal! What are you doing!" Kabe shouted at them.

Chantal kept her hold on the lady as she turned around to answer Kabe, "Tying up an intruder."

Kabe walked towards them, "Just stop! That's the make - up artist!"

"Seriously!" Lizzy exclaimed stopping and looking up at Kabe.

"Yes! Let her go and untie her feet!" Kabe ordered.

"So why didn't you tell me she was here?" Lizzy asked after untying her.

"I didn't know she was here," Kabe answered.

"It's your house, how would you not know?" Lizzy asked.

"She has the key to my house! So she just let's herself in when she comes over."

"What? Why does she have a key to your house?" Lizzy asked raising an eyebrow, suspicious of Kabe.

Kabe glanced at the make - up artist who was sipping a glass of water Chantal had brought for her. She stood and watched the exchange as if she was just a random passer - by stopping to watch a lover's spat.

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