Chapter 12

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“May we not think of freedom as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right."
~ Peter Marshall

“Doing what with who?” Kabe questioned.

"Don't pretend as if you don't know what I'm talking about," Lizzy responded rolling her eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"Her," Lizzy replied jabbing her thumb in Chantal's direction, "What are you doing with her?" she questioned slowly.

"Ah... nothing!" Kabe replied looking slightly back at Chantal, "I think you should get going. Your brother will kill me if he knows I'm..."


Kabe stopped as he was interrupted by Lizzy's phone ringing. She held up a finger to Kabe then accepted the call. Both Chantal and Kabe watched as Lizzy's face contorted into a worrying expression.

"I... I have to go, Ryan says he wants to talk to me about something really important in person. He sounded  really upset. You have any idea what may have upset him?"

"No. But I understand and it's okay."

"Alright, I'll catch up with you later."

As soon as Lizzy drove off Kabe turned around to Chantal.

"Alright inside we go now," Kabe said to her pulling at her gently.

"No! I'm not going back inside with you!" Chantal resisted.

"Please," he pleaded, "I need your help with something and it will help you too."


"If you come back in and help me, I'll let you call your mom. She's worried sick about you..."

"How do you know my mother's worried about me?" Chantal questioned him suspiciously.

"She was on the news about two Fridays ago. She really misses you, you know," Kabe replied playing on her emotions.

And all this time I thought she knew what she had done. I thought she sold me into this! I feel so bad thinking my mother sold me into this!

"Her name's Sheerily," Kabe added softly thinking she was having problems deciding.

At that response Chantal's head jerked to look at Kabe properly.

"Fine. I'll help you but phone call first," Chantal demanded. She then immediately sucked in a breath.

"Why am I being so bold?" she questioned herself, "Much less so trusting?"


Chantal was surprised at his quick agreement but did not let her surprise show instead she wore a blank expression.

She cautiously walked past him and headed towards the door, he then soon followed.

He led her over towards his house phone. Chantal quickly punched in her mother's number.

Kabe's hand shot out holding onto the hand Chantal was using to dial. She flinched and looked at him.

"You can't let your mother know what's happened to you."

"But how do I explain my reason for not calling her? For how long two years?" Chantal looked at him incredulously.

"If you tell her what happened, it will jeparodise [can't remember how to spell this word] what I want you to help me with."

"Fine. But how can I trust you a white man? I mean don't whites hate blacks and would do everything to make sure they're non-existent. How can I trust you?"

"I'm not racist you know. If I was I wouldn't let you sleep on my couch for even one millisecond. Worst of all if I was racist you wouldn't even be in my house. At the sight of you near my house I would have taken the gun on my hip like this," he then pulled a gun from his hip, "held it at your temple," as he moved to put the gun at her head she backed up and held her hands in the air, "and I would pull the trigger like this," at that he pulled the trigger and Chantal tightly closed her eyes for impact.

The impact never came. She opened one eye to see Kabe looking down at her. She stared at him for awhile then closed her eye back when she saw his hand make a small movement.

"A non - racist person doesn't go around a black person with a full gun," Kabe stated then let his hand fall at his side.

Chantal released a sigh.

"I thought you were going to kill me."

"Sorry. I just realised that with you I have got to be very... practical."

After a thoughtful silence, Chantal replaced the phone on the receiver.

"What exactly do you want me to help you with?"

Kabe led her to the couch, told her to have a seat then proceeded to tell her what she was needed for. After much deliberation and realising she did not have anything to lose she agreed with Kabe's plan.

"So you want to use your freedom, to free me and the other girls?" Chantal questioned after he had explained what he wanted her to do.

"Yes," Kabe responded while nodding his head.

"You know? I always thought white people hated black people and would never help them even if their lives were in danger but I guess not all of you hate us."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because of the shows you white people make. It's always the blacks on the bad side. Always the blacks being treated as inferior. So I guess you people's movies make me hate you. Not to mention it's a white man who brought me into this and fooled my mother," Chantal responded with a downcast look.

"I'm sorry for that perception you have of us but I promise you I'll show you that there are whites that will help black people like you."

"I'm impressed," Chantal stated looking at Kabe.

"Impressed with what?" he asked looking at her quizzically.

"That you haven't loaded your gun and shot me in the head yet for all the stereotypical things that I've thrown at you."

"Well it comes with the job. You got to keep your cool if you want to achieve things - make progress."

At that response Chantal smiled.

Hey guys!
I know it has been ages since I've updated and thank you so much for sticking around !

So what do you guys think Kabe wanted help with?

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Until next time everyone 😄

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