The BIG Performance

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Aaron's POV:

I can't believe Adam Levine wants us to perform with his band tonight. We've been practicing for a few days and I feel like we've gotten pretty good with the songs. Every day (y/n) has gotten a lot better. I feel like she's matured from that little girl I saw last in high school. She's changed so much. She's changed in personality, she becomes a little more beautiful everyday. WAIT WHAT?!?! Do I LIKE (y/n)? I can't, can I? *ugh* I do. darn it. I wasn't wanting to go through this again. This happened with Lily in high school but turned out she was just using me. I don't think (y/n) would use me but I don't want to have these feeling for her and she not return them. Besides, I think the other guys like her too. I can't be mean to my friends. But I can't help but get butterflies when I'm around her. How is that a tough guy like me can be made so weak by a girl like (y/n)?

Adam Levine's POV:

"Attention ladies and gentlemen! We have special guests performing with us today! These four young adults are still in college and are VERY talented! I would like to introduce (y/n), GENE, AARON, AND KATELYN!!!" (y/n) is very beautiful. She chose a great outfit to wear for a performance like this. I hope she worked on her dance routine. I've never seen her dance so I can't wait to see how she does. "These four young adults have been together since they were kids! I hope they can catch up with the professionals!" Everyone laughs. All of a sudden (y/n) comes up to me. I hold onto the end of the microphone and whisper "What?"

"I would like to sing something before we start. Can I please Adam?"

"Sure. Why not?" I hand her the microphone and she starts to speak.

"Hello. My name is (y/n). I would like to song something that I'm pretty sure everyone will know but real quick I would like to introduce my friend Laurence to the stage. Come on up Laurence." All of a sudden blood starts to boil in me and I start to feel a little protective of (y/n). I feel like I've known her since I was a kid, but that's impossible because I'm 10 years older than she is. Wait.....I had a sister once but our parents put her up for adoption. Could she be? No! She couldn't. I'll have to ask after the show.

Laurence's POV:

"Hello. My name is (y/n). I would like to song something that I'm pretty sure everyone will know but real quick I would like to introduce my friend Laurence to the stage. Come on up Laurence." I go up to the stage with a shocked face and I am greeted by many people reaching for high-fives. She goes to the stairs and grabs my hand. I can just feel the heat rising to my face SHE blushing too? She can't be. How could someone like her love someone like me. I'm competing against Garroth, Dante, Aaron, and Travis. Well, Travis and Dante aren't much competition because they're also going for other girls but Aaron and Garroth are BIG competition. Once we get to the center of the stage were a stool, guitar, and another microphone stand she speaks. "Tonight, we will be singing This Town. Yes this song is by Niall Horan but it means a lot to me and I've heard my friend Laurence sing it a few times and so I wanted to make this night special and sing this with him. We haven't rehearsed this or anything soooooo let's see how it goes. I will also be playing the guitar part." She sits on the stool, picks up the guitar and we start singing.

Laurence: Waking up to kiss you and nobody's there

                       The smell of your perfume still stuck in the air

                                                      It's hard

(y/n): Yesterday I thought I saw your shadow running round

Me And The Boys(A Reader x MyStreet Guys FanFic){On Hold}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ