The "Kiss"

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(y/n)'s POV:

Yesterday wasn't a dream, nor a nightmare. Yesterday was the new reality of mine and my friends lives. The journey ahead will be the dangerous part because if anyone discovers about what we are, they will come for us and kill us or experiment on us. We're heading to Aphmau's family 'safe' house. It won't be very safe for long. We are something humans call dangerous, monsters, freaks, weirdos, even demons. Half of those are true. We are dangerous, we are monsters, we are demons. No one understands the journey ahead but me. I know. I'm what will save us, or break us. If I let the monster control me it'll be the last thing everyone sees. Do I really want that? I have to stay calm and do good. If I kill, be mean,  or even hurt a sole, it's the end of good for me. If I've already found my Shadow Knight form, and my Irene form is supposed to be the same but more goddess like, imagine how many people I can hurt or save. It's just to-----

"Hey (y/n)?" I look over to see Laurence by my side.


"I like you. Not just as a friend but as more. I....I-I love you." My cheeks begin to get hot and his are a light pink.

"I like you too but I also like two other guys."

"Let me guess. Garroth and Aaron?" I nod feeling the heat get a little more intense on my cheeks. "They feel the same way. I know Zane does too but he likes Kawaii~Chan a little more so I know he can get over it easier. Just think about it, okay?"

"I will."

"WE'RE HERE!!! WE'RE AT THE SAFE HOUSE!!!" I look in front of me and I see a HUGE log cabin with a chimney. There's a front porch that raps around the entire house and it furnished. Aph pulls out a key and opens the front door. It's dark out so we turn on the light and sit down. "What do you guys want to do first?"

"SPIN THE BOTTLE!!!" Of course Travis and Dante would blurt that out. Those perverts.

"We're going to have to have a spin on it though. Whoever two have to kiss have to, instead kiss, make out until all clothes are off. This rule WILL be done in a room." Oh  no.

So we take out a bottle and they nominate me to go first. I spin the bottle and it lands on----- oh no!! It lands on Laurence. One of the three people I didn't want to land on. My cheeks begin to heat up and I look at Laurence. We get up and go into the closest room to us. He looks nervous, as do I. I have no choice but this. I lean to Laurence but it was going to slow for me. I quickly grabbed his hair and brought his face to mine and our lips met. He kissed me and kissed back. Each time is more forceful. More hungry. We were standing up but now we're laying on the bed and laying on each other. He puts me on top of him and his hands begin to slip under my shirt pulling with every kiss. I let out a sigh on accident but I couldn't hold it in. Next I take his shirt off exposing his abs and bare skin. My bra is still on and he notices it as he kiss my neck. He starts to take it off of me and I LET him. We stop kissing for a moment and stare at each other with smiles. We quickly take off the rest of our clothes and continue where we left off. We didn't care if it the time was done, we continued. Each time more powerful. Finally we were done.

"I will."

"You will what?"

"I will go out with you." With that, we here cheers outside the door but we don't care. We look at each other and realize what happened. A slight blush begins to appear on his cheeks and apparently it happens to me too because he gives that flirtatious smile he always gives. We put our clothes back on and walk out the door. All eye go to our hands, which are intertwined, and I hear grumbles coming from two people. I look over at Garroth and Aaron. They both are angry but Aaron looks like he's about to cry.  I feel bad. I like them too but I'm going to give Laurence a chance. He did ask me first, so I gave him a chance first. Everyone else is still looking over at our hands and at us. I look up at Laurence and he looks down at me and we just smile. I look back at everyone and I feel him kiss me on the top of my head.


"Yep. And I wanted to." Katelyn just stares at me. I've never talked like that to her so I understand why she'd be shocked.

"O-Okay then. Who's next?"

"Let's stop this game. We've already made one couple, I think that's all we can do." I look over to Aaron and I see that he is upset at me. I'll have to talk to both of them later. Everyone stays quiet so I decide to speak.

"I agree with Aaron. Let's stop the game for tonight. I'm getting tired and if we leave tomorrow, it has to be REALLY early. I'll be the first one up so I'll be the one to wake everyone up. I'll also be first watch. Everyone, lights out in 10 minuets." I go over to get a sword and armor that's on a stand and go outside with a flashlight. This is going to be a long night. It was a good one though. 😊

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