Chapter 2

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J or Javed inclined his head gracefully to Khushi… and then took her hand and kissed a back of her palm:

- Too bad we haven't met before. It could have played out very differently…

- But it didn't! So take your hands off my wife, Jev! That is if you you want to keep them attached to your body!

The iron in this voice was dominant and it gave away its owner even more than actual words. Arnav's eyes were shooting lightning as he approached them in wide steps… but Javed seemed unfazed by Arnav's anger.

Khushi snatched her hand quickly and hurried up to stop Arnav before his harshness ended up in something he would later regret. But even though Arnav was at the point of fuming, Javed seemed… almost bored.

And that was a misconception on Khushi's side. Because once Arnav has reached them Javed face became vivid and full of holy anger. He grabbed Arnav by his collar - again something Khushi would never expect to see in this life - and almost yelled at him ignoring smiling family around them (who, by the way, kept smiling albeit almost hostile situation in the room):

- What the hell, Arnav? Man, what part of "best friends" concept don't you understand? First you talk me into that joint venture to start a production company in Toronto and send me along with your uncle to work this through! Then you go M.I.A and few month LATER I find out you were kidnapped! KIDNAPPED for crying out loud! And have you given me a call to say you're OK? Noooo, you were TOO BUSY to answer MY calls properly!

This screaming session was accompanied with a physical empowerment - Javel literally lifted Arnav a bit by his collar and was shaking him with every word he emphasized. First Khushi got taken aback but then the actual meaning of what was happening got to her - Javed was worried! So he was a friend!… Arnav had a friend. That was very… Khushi couldn't find a word to describe this warm feeling that rested in her chest. This strong, handsome and protective man was her husband's best friend… Arnav was in good hands… it was pacifying…

To everybody but Arnav. Because "good hands" kept shaking him as if he was a mango tree. Arnav didn't resist - he had earned it.

- And NOW I find out you got married! Have you invited me? Noooo! Who the hell needs a friend these days, right? Not the all-mighty Arnav Singh Raizada for sure! Man! You just…

Javed let go of Arnav only to be grabbed by him into tight hug. Arnav's voice was happy and deep with emotion:

- So-so glad to see you, Jev! NOW everything is going to be all right!

Javed stepped away and looked around scanning the room. He turned his questioning eyes back to Arnav:

- Now? I thought you've been all right for quite some time now… or am I STILL missing something?

His tone was threatening, his eyes concerned. He cared.

Arnav took Javed's elbow and towed him to follow but Javed turned back to Khushi and Anjali. He nodded shortly and said:

- Ladies, I'll be back soon. Don't miss me… even though it's hard, I'm quite "missable". But I'll be right back!

And with that Javed was towed away by Arnav who was murmuring some expletives about "that Casanova" through clenched teeth.

Anjali laughed with short yet easy and natural laugh - Khushi was glad to see that happiness was coming back to Di's life. Even on the cost of such unexpected, unpredictable and dangerously charming character.

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