Chapter 11

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- Javed-ji, may I?

He turned around to see Anjali standing in his doorway. He turned back to his suitcase where he was packing his stuff… basically throwing everything in the bag hoping it will fit in…

He turned to look at Anjali carefully and then came closer to her in few wide steps.

- Anjali-ji, sit down, please, your leg is hurting.

She nodded but then understood to the fullest what he had just said and asked incredulously:

- But how did you know my leg hurts?

Javed's lips crooked to form a sad smile and he took Anjali's hand carefully. Tenderly he unfolded her fingers pressed tightly to reveal four half-circle nail marks. Javed pressed his big finger to her palm and massaged those marks for a while until they faded.

- You dig your nails to your palm to distract yourself from pain. This is how I know.

Javed guided Anjali to the bed and once she was seated came back to packing. Anjali tried to address him cautiously:

- Javed-ji, why do you leave so abruptly, have I offended you in some way? I…

He looked at her. Did not say a thing, didn't even move from where he was standing - just looked. And in his eyes was all the sorrow Anjali could ever imagine, the pain of heartbroken man with no hope left to sustain his will for life… And she caused it…

Then Javed's jaw tightened and his eyes glimpsed with resolution. He came to Anjali and kneeled before her. Javed took one of her hands - it was so tiny in his big hands, so fragile, so feminine…

- Anjali-ji, forgive me, please, for making it uncomfortable for you with my inappropriate outburst of emotions. I will never do this again, I will never inconvenience you with my secret feelings…

He thought for a while and added:

- But you also have to know - I don't take what I've said back. It all stands true - I love you. It was never a mere crush or teenage affection because I would've outgrown them. But here I am - still love you more than life itself… It's just…

His voice was epitome of sad and it pained Anjali to see him like this… he was always so strong, so determined, so powerful…

- Anjali-ji, you never saw me for the man I've became, you always remembered me for the boy you've met. And I can't fight this anymore. Not because of myself - if I had the tiniest of hopes I would fight for you till my last breath… but because of you - now that you know I can't put you under so much pressure and guilt.

His voice became solemn:

- I promise you, from now on you don't have to worry about my broken heart. I will take whatever place you've assigned me with in this family and I will be happy to play this role. I will be content.

Anjali's cheeks pricked - salt from her tears already started to dry out…

Javed couldn't handle it anymore and so he stood up and took his bag. Javed bowed respectfully and said in formal tone:

- Would you please deliver my apologies to the family for such unexpected departure. I will be back as soon as possible.

He paused for a second and Anjali could see how all the colours drained out from his face. It felt like Javed was anticipating something really painful…

- Farewell… Di.

And with that he turned away to leave.

And was stopped by Anjali's hushed but firm voice:

- Don't ever call me Di…

END of the prequel, the sequel is up.

Javed nam hai meraTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang