Chapter 5

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- This is for you, Nani-ji. It should help to sort out all the photos that NK is about to unfold on you.

Javed smiled and handed over to Nani a big velvet covered photo album. Nani took it with a wide smile:

- Javed, you always know what to bring me! I wanted to make a family photo album for the last year since we now have Payal and Khushi with us but just couldn't find the right album! And here it is - exactly what I wanted! Thank you so much, my dear!

- I'm so glad, Nani-ji! If I get to please such a remarkable women as you then my life wasn't in vain!

He bowed gracefully and smiled with utmost respect. And you know what was the most endearing in this kind of compliments and debonair treatment? That Javed actually meant it! He really did appreciated women as some sort of life miracle and each and every one of them was special and truly beautiful to him…

- Mami-ji, I did my best to find you a jewellery that will underline your beauty but failed miserably because you will outshine everything! So… I opted out for this invitation for full-day spa treatment in Metropolitan Hotel & Spa - that should help you to relax with all the worries you go through managing such a big house!

Yes, everybody knew he was hugely overestimating Manorama's involvement in household activities… but she looked so flattered and happy! She even patted Payal's hand who was sitting next to her… Javed definitely knew how to turn Manorama into loving cheerful person!

- Payal-bhabhi, I don't know you that much apart from being blinded by your unearthly beauty, - Payal lowered her head shyly, - so I thought I would give it a try and buy you these beautiful lamps for upcoming Diwali. Please, accept these with my most sincere wishes that your life will be always bright and enlightened.

Little did Javed know that these lamps were very similar to those that Payal thought of buying during previous Diwali but couldn't afford them then.

- Javed-ji, thank you so much, these are the most beautiful lamps I've ever seen! I will decorate the mandir with these, if you don't mind, saasu ma?

Manorama being all happy with upcoming leisure treatment agreed easily:

- Sure thing, Payal, but make sure there will be enough lights so everyone will see how young and fresh I look!

Everybody smiled at this remark - Manorama was always Manorama!

- Khushi, again as with your lovely sister I didn't know what would you like but I thought… since you're married to Arnav now and he is known for his long office hours… this should help you to kill some time waiting for him.

And with these words Javed passed along to Khushi a massive boxset of Blu-Rays. Watching the titles Khushi squealed in delight:

- Dabangg, Ready, Bodyguard! Javed-ji, that's like Salman Knah's full movie collection!

Javed smiled mischievously:

- Well, I may have been hinted, - he made a very distinctive gesture towards NK who was running around the family in circles with his camera and new short focus lens gifted by Javed, - that you like Sallu-bhai… and I also noticed that you have very little representation of his movies on disk shelfs near that big TV… so I thought I would gift you something to entertain you while Arnav is away…

NK added his remark:

- Khushi-ji knows all the words to Sallu's movies! Yeah!

Khushi almost jumped in joy and grabbed Javed's hand to squeeze it - she was filled with so much gratitude!

But then Javed took Khushi's hand with his and said in a deep and serious tone:

- But I should add that if I were your husband I wouldn't spend a second away from you, especially for something so trivial as business…

And this was a moment Arnav decided to show up to family gathering from his conference call. The moment he heard Javed's last words he breathed out loudly and then clenched his teeth. Javed turned around to the sound and let go of Khushi's hand immediately. He raised his hands in surrendering gesture:

- Hay, man, don't kill me, I'm just giving the family my presents! No reason for you to burn me with your eyes!

Arnav hissed:

- I wish I could!

Javed laughed:

- Yeah, you wish! But don't kill me before you get your present! Here, take it, - he handed a folder to Arnav, - it's not that fancy but I didn't have any time to frame it.

- What's this? And I hope it's not one of those "You've won a parachute jump" kind of presents you used to trick me with before! We're not students anymore, Jev!

Javed nudged him playfully:

- No, we're not! But if you implying that we are old than speak for yourself! I'm all energy! Anyway, open it!

Arnav came closer and touched Khushi's hand. It was pacifying to him - to feel her warmth, her presence in his life. Khushi answered with reassuring smile even thought she could not understand the reason for uncertainty in Arnav's eyes.

Arnav opened a folder and even before he could look through the documents that were in it, Javed exclaimed:

- I did it! I mean, we did it! We now have a production factory near Toronto! Once Mama-ji will finish with personnel issues we are good to go! So… are you proud of me or what?

Everybody looked exited and especially Arnav:

- I can't believe it! That's just…

- That's great, Chote, that's just so great! - came Anjali's happy voice, - you were working for it for such a long time! I'm so proud of you! Of both of you!

She turned to smile to Javed… and saw him holding a box. Her present.

Anjali was quiet for the whole presents' session… mainly because she didn't know what to expect with all that unexplainable tension between Javed and her. She kept memorizing how they've met trying to identify what has triggered his hostility towards her… but her search came back blank. Maybe they were just not meant to be friends no matter how close Javed and Chote were…

And then Javed gave her a present. Superiorly beautiful deep blue saree with golden embroidery. Something so exquisite she has never had before even though she co-owned a fashion design company…

Javed simply remarked:

- Hope, you'll like it, - the he turned and said to Khushi:

- I have to go finish some business but later I will be back and at your service if you need a company to watch those movies. I'll be more than happy to be that company!

Arnav narrowed his eyes and his expression became predatory - Javed was really asking for it. But Khushi didn't notice any of it as she was watching Javed with her expression… considering. Then she beamed happiest of smiles and answered:

- Sure, Javed-ji! I'll be waiting for you, we have so much to talk, so much to catch up! Come back soon!

And that was what Arnav didn't like. It was all too similar… too similar to what has happened with Melinda…

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