Chapter 4

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- I think he doesn't like me, - came Anjali's soft voice.

- What? Why would you say so, Di? - Khushi was surprised to no end! How could anyone dislike her Di? Especially Arnav's best friend!

- Oh, - Anjali looked lost… and scared a bit. She probably didn't expect to say it out loud. But then she sighted and answered:

- He acts differently around me. Polite, charming… but cold. Distant.

Khushi tried soothing Anjali:

- Maybe he just doesn't know you enough, give it some time… - but Anjali interrupted her:

- We've known each other for eight years now - how much longer should it take?

Anjali went silent for a long time watching Arnav and Javed having a heated discussion… Khushi kept silent too waiting for Anjali to say more…

- You know, he was always very special. Brave… - her voice went very low and deep like she was telling a legend, - You see, Chote was very… difficult at that time. And it was even harder for him when he went to Harvard - being far away from the family and all… And one day he came back for holidays with Javed-ji on a tow…

Anjali smiled to some happy memory and continued:

- Oh no, it wasn't like Chote and Javed were best friends at that time. Moreover - Chote genuinely disliked Javed's show-off nature and mannerisms… but Javed-ji acted like he didn't care at all! Like he has decided to be best friends with Chote and Chote just wasn't given a choice – Javed-ji was simply there!

Anjali shook her head obviously remembering some antics that went on during those times of enforced friendship… Khushi wished she'd seen it too…

- You know, Khushi-ji, it took some long time… but eventually it happened - they became friends. And even more - they practically morphed into each other's characters! Chote made Javed-ji to wear suits, Javed-ji taught Chote that constant "What the…", they both just grew up to be very similar to each other.

Anjali's voice saddened a little as she said:

- When Javed's parents got divorced and he had to move to Delhi, the only positive outcome for him was that he used to spend all his time here. We even joked that we won a "Harvard double deal": two Chotes on a price of one!

Anjali laughed shortly and continued:

- They helped each other to build their respective companies - Javed is a very successful corporate lawyer - but then… something happen. I don't know what… But Javed-ji became very harsh and hot-tempered - and that is saying something since I have Arnav Singh Raizada for a brother! But Javed-ji… he was different. Not angry… but desperate… broken… fighting his own demons and not accepting anybody's help.

Anjali shook her head like it would help to dissolve sad memories:

- And then Javed-ji left to live in Canada. He visited us occasionally and Chote was in touch with him all the time… but it was never the same.

- But… - Khushi hesitated before asking her question, - but why do you think that he doesn't like you? Javed-ji seems to be the person that everybody likes and who likes everybody in return…

Anjali answered with a broken smile:

- He doesn't call me Di. The first time I met him I insisted he'd call me Di since he was like a brother to my Chote. And he was against it right away and even got very defensive. Javed-ji was like this ever since. So… I guess… he just tolerates me for Chote's sake.

Khushi raised her head and met Arnav's warm gaze. It was hard not to smile watching his loving eyes and realizing that he was hers, he loved her, he was there for her. Khushi smiled back - she was there for Arnav too.

And then she noticed Javed's watching them. And there was something in his eyes that startled Khushi… because it should have not been there. Because Javed was Arnav's friend and he would never, never… Or would he?

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