Chapter 3

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Jev was more than just best friend or business partner - he was Arnav's brother. Javed knew Arnav better than anyone else in this world (apart from Khushi) and Arnav could usually say the same about him - he knew Jev and every possible reaction he may have…

Except for this one. Arnav have NEVER seen Javed being this angry before. His expression was murderous… and its' not just saying it lightly… no, Javed actually looked like he was planning cold-blooded and sophisticated murder.

Because Arnav has told him everything about Shyam. About his deceit of Khushi's family (and a painful role Arnav played in this part of drama), about kidnapping, miscarriage, cameras…

- Arnav, let go off me, - hissed Jev because Arnav was holding his sleeve, - I will go and find that man and kill him with my bare hands! Or better - I will cut open his throat with my teeth and enjoy watching him bleed to death! Arnav, let me go!

Arnav shook his head in disagreement:

- No, Jev, you won't. You think I didn't want to do these things to him myself? I did, I still do! But I can't go this way, I will end up in jail and it will do my family no good…

Jev smirked and Arnav shrugged - this was one of those evil smirks that give you goosebumps down your spine.

- I can make it look like an accident. I know how the system works, I'm a lawyer myself, remember?

- Corporate finance lawyer, Jev, I remember, - Arnav tried to pacify him… or distract him, - and it doesn't really matter because Shyam is in custody and there's pretty low chance to be ran over by a car behind the bars. So let go of this idea, Jev. Please!

Jev turned his surprise gaze to Arnav:

- Wow, Arnav, I don't recognize you! "Please"? You're being so calm and rational about it? I guess being married to Khushi did wonders to you constant bad mood, ney?

Javed nudged Arnav's shoulder trying to play it cool but Arnav could still feel the vibe of "Jev is onto something" and felt a need to look after his friend. But for now Arnav took the bait and switched to bro-mode they have shared so comfortably:

- Well, Jev, you always said it'll take an angel to bring me back from hell - I guess I'm just that lucky guy who has found that angel!

Arnav turned to look at Khushi who was standing with Di - they had a whispered conversation and they both were completely into it… but once Arnav said Khushi's name she turned his way and smiled at him. That special smile that embodied everything Khushi was for Arnav - support, love, pride, approval… She was there with him… for him… always…

Arnav looked at Jev and saw him looking at Khushi and Di. He was… mesmerized…

Then Jev blinked as if coming back from afar and told Arnav:

- I gotta go. I'll be back soon.

Arnav grabbed his elbow:

- Promise me you want do anything stupid! Promise me you won't go after Shyam!

Jev's voice was serene and clear as he swore:

- Arnav, that man screwed MY family! Anjali, Khushi, you… cheating, kidnapping, attempted murder, actual murder… he WILL get my revenge, that I can promise!

Then Jev calmed down and added:

- But if you're talking about now - than no, I'm just going out to buy some presents. I came here straight from the airport and haven't had a chance to buy anything… and now it appears that I'm late for the wedding celebrations too. It's not good to visit the newly wedded couple without a present, right? - Jev winked at Arnav, - Even if I was not invited to the actual wedding, - his voice was harsh but Arnav knew Javed had already forgave him.

- And more, - Jev turned to watch Khushi and Di, - I need to make sure your wife likes me, right? I want to get to know her better, since she's such an angel!

And with that he turned around and left. And took Arnav's breath with him.

"Stunning friend"… "It could have played out very differently"… Jev's mesmerized gaze… The way he started calling her "Khushi" just like that… "I want to get to know her better, since she's such an angel"

"Oh, no! It can't be! Not now! Not again!", - screamed in Arnav's mind…

"Not Khushi! Not her!"

"Not again!"

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