Chapter 18

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Jack pov

I wake up with a horrible Braxton hicks contraction. I look around in the room and Mark wasn't in it. I grip the nightstand and wait for it to stop.

"Gah."I gasp. It's been happening more and more frequently and I don't like it. I'm afraid Hunter is coming soon.  A little to soon. It passes and I roll out of bed. I go to the closest and grab a pair of pants and a big shirt.

After I got changed I head straight to the recording room. I go to my section and turn on my computer. I start to upload first video of the day.

"Okay done with that, now I record."I say and set everything thing up.

"And now youtube comments with Jacksepticeye."I mumbled as I go to my picked comments.

"When is Hunter do, I can't much wait longer."I read.

"Well, He's due date is seriously the day after my 25th birthday. So you and I have to wait another month."I smile feeling Hunter move around quite a bit.

"Have you ever thought of you and Mark doing a daily vlog channel?"

"We've talked about it, a lot actually, we would love for you guys to watch our future children grow up and watch us all grow as a family I guess,"I sigh "I'm not sure if we have time to do one now, and now my schedule will be even more jammed packed once I have little one, but we're still talking about it."

I am now on my last question, one I have been asked a lot of times.

"Are you and Mark ever gonna get married."

"Dude its  haven't even been a year since we started dating, I know your probably like well your pregnant might as well get married while your at it."I say.

"But it's not that simple, this right here was a major accident, like condom breaking accident."I say pointing at my belly.

"I still love you Hunter, anyways Mark and I need more time to be together before we know, but between you and I, I think he's the one."I whispered. I lied one more question.

"Are you gonna do baby update videos?"

"See, Mark and I talked about this to, he said what if we just did occasional vlogs and stuff, well we have agreed that until we decided on if we do a daily vlog channel I was gonna do update vids so yes."I answer.

"Well that does it for this video if you liked it punch that like button in the face like a boss and high fives all around whipsh whipsh And I will see all you dudes in the next video!"I shout and turn off the camera.

"Okay next break faaa..  Lunch."I say looking at the clock. I head down to the kitchen.

"Afternoon beutiful."Mark said from the couch.

"Hey."I said headed straight for the fridge.

"I can make you something if you'd like."Mark said getting up.

"Nah, I got it." I say opening the cabinets. I'm craving for something sweet.

"Are you sure?"Mark asked. I was about to answer but I felt another BH contraction.

"Gahh."I gasp gripping the counter. Mark bolts over to me.

"Jack Jack, are you okay."He said taking my hand. I squeezed it tightly before answering.

"Yeah just a BH."I say breathing deeply. He looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine, the baby is not due until February 8th  its January 8th. "I say standing back to my normal position. I let go of his hand.

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