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Jack pov

I see our house get bigger and bigger as we got closer to our house. Finally back from the hospital after two days, sadly Felix and Marzia had to go home for some important stuff they needed to take care of.

"We're here baby."Mark smiled running his hand across my leg. I wanted my bed so badly right now, but there is many things to do right now.

"Home."I say getting out of the car. I go to the back seat and just stare at the freshly born infant. She was all scrunched up looking adorable.

"Welcome home Hunter."I whispered taking the car seat out. Mark had both bags hanging around his chest waiting at the front door.

"After you."He said gesturing to the front door that once a foot was stepped into, a new adventure will begin.

"There it is Hunter, your home for the next few years. I wanted to cry, this is the beginning of my new family, and there is plenty more adventures that is headed our way. We want to get married, but I'm not sure who's gonna  propose or anything yet plus we haven't been dating for at least a year yet. That's the deal if we make it after a year than its free game.

"Let's take you to your room."I say heading to the stairs. Those stairs she's gonna slide down when she starts to crawl. Those stairs she runs down on her first day of school. Those stairs she walks down for prom. Those stairs when she has the last of her boxes packed to go away for collage and she's saying her goodbyes.   I don't want to think ahead or anything but it's gonna happen and I can't stop that.

"Okay Hunter, this is your room for the next 18 years."I say stepping in the light grey room.

"I'm gonna tell you now that we thought you were a boy so sorry how boyish your room is."I say. I set the car seat on the hardwood. First and definitely not the last she will step foot in this room.

"Welcome home baby girl."Mark said lowing the blinds.

"I don't wanna put her down."I say.

"Your gonna have to."Mark said.

"I know but I don't want to."I say gently laying her in her crib. She just snuggled up in her blanket.

"I love you baby."I say kissing her tiny forehead.

"I love you Hunter."Mark said after me doing the same. I turn up the baby monitor and hook it to my pants. I place the other one by her crib so I can hear her.

"You should get some rest to Sean."Mark whispered as we exited her room cracking the door slightly.

"Only if you rest with me."I say to him.

"Okay Sean."He said.

"Why you calling me Sean?"I asked yawning once more. All my yawning started to make Mark yawn as well.

"Because, I don't know actually."He answered opening the door to our bedroom. I practically run and jump on the bed.

"I missed you so much."I say rubbing my head against the cool pillow. I hear Mark snickers as he layed down next to me.

"You did good Jack."Mark said rubbing my back.

"No, we did good."I say

"But I didn't do any of the work."Mark said.

"Please, you did way more work than sperm donner. "I say.

"That's what we're calling him now?"Mark asked laughing.

"Yup."I laugh back. I curl closer to him.

"Your beautiful."He said.

"No I'm not."I say.

"In my eyes your the most beautiful  person I've ever met."He said rubbing my hair.

"And you, I can't explain you in words, it's like I created you online."I say kissing his cheek.

"Well I think we should end this fic."Mark said. I love telling my story but he's right, it's a good end.

"Yeah your right, if you like it punch like vote button in the face like a boss and high fives all around whipsh whipsh and I will see all you dudes in the next Fan fiction!"I shout.


It's sadly over, but don't worry there is a sequel in the making, I already have the cover made

It's sadly over, but don't worry there is a sequel in the making, I already have the cover made

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What you think. Anyways I gotta go to the drawing board so see you next time byeeeee. And thank you for reading You Saved Our Life

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