Chapter 1 - Breaking and Entering

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Ok let's see if this will work.


Adrian messaged me I already know it.( Italics is Adrian and bold is you)

I think someone's in my house...

Y/n answer me I'm scared. Can you come over?

Adrian stop being a wuss but I will be over in a sec.

Y/n hurry I heard a crash.

I was outside his house when he sent that text. I heard it also. Knowing his family I opened the door.

"Adrian. I'm here," I called out. I instantly heard footsteps run down the stairs.

Before they reached the bottom I felt something smooth and slimey touch the front of my neck.

Adrian turned the corner and the color from is face felt contrasting his brown hair and eyes.

"Shhh... Scream and you both die,"A raspy voice said from behind me.

"You're Jeff the Killer..." Adrian said from infront of me. Almost instantly I got a head ache but I leaned back and held my head.

"Get off if me," Jeff said.

"Shit y/n! Get off of him I don't want you to die," Adrian whisper yelled at me. Almost instantly the knife on my neck disappeared and I was turned around.

Jeff's face turned into shock and his eyes grew very wide. He brought his arms around me and started to whimper saying how he was sorry and how he's never going to leave my side again. My head is still pounding. It won't stop pounding either.

Black dots start to dance on my eyes. I get a little dizzy and feel my body start to go limp. The next thing I know is that Adrian takes me out of Jeff's arm. He rushes me to the couch and puts his hand to my head and he hisses in pain. I could smell smoke.

He went to get an ice pack and set it on my head. While doing so The ice pack hissed and sizzled. I could feel what I thought was plastic drip down my face.

Adrian quickly jumped up and grabbed something on the coffee table in front of me and picked up the ice pack.

I felt something soft rub the plastic off. It felt like a tissue so that it what I'm going to say. I heard a set of door steps and a muffled voice.

I think I heard a name being called out and it sounded like Masky. That made me think of the proxy and I slowly slipped into unconsciousness.

>>>>Time skip>>>>

I woke up in a bathtub with a bunch of ice but, it felt really nice. It was cold but soothing for my forehead and muscles.

I slowly lifted myself out of the bathtub. I go to the sink and I look at myself.

Ohhhhhhh shitttttttttt......

I'm naked.  When did that happen?

Holy fucking Jegus! Either Adrian or Jeff striped me. I shrieked at the thought of Jeff stripping me. I didn't really mind because when Adrian and I were at a party Adrian got drunk but, I didn't. We had sex in the woods and fell asleep cuddling and woke up naked on the planet cold and grungy.

So yeah..... That's were my virginity went. I'm just happy that I didn't end up pregnant or that our parents found out. That was a month ago after high school graduation. Yeah Adrian and I were best friends so we were fine.

Even though that incident happened I'm still a little insecure with Adrian seeing my body though this would be the third time.

Once when it was raining we got soaked when we were camping and the only way to preserve body heat was striping and sleeping in a tent together. Luckily the next day we found all of the rest of the clothes we brought dry.

So I lost my virginity to him, I slept in a tent with him naked and now hopefully he stripped me for the ice bath. I heard footsteps racing to the bathroom but I locked the door before anyone could barge in.

"Y/n? Are you Ok?" Adrian's voice asked.

"Yeah, but where is my clothes?" I asked.

"They are on the toilet seat," he answered.

"Ok,"I responded.

I quickly put on my clothes and came out shivering and chattering.

Adrian quickly wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. He exhaled hot hair on the back of my neck making a shiver go down my spine. I buried my head in the crook of his neck and he did the same.

Him being a lot taller than me made me reach on my tip toes. We stood there like that for a couple minutes until somebody cleared their throat making me jump back in surprise.

"Y/n?" Adrian's voice cracked. I looked at him in the eyes and he looked like he was about to cry. I hated seeing him cry because I have feeling for him. Many feelings for him. I really like him. No I love him. Maybe?

He did the most unexpected thing he full on kissed me. He kissed me on the lips. I melted into the kiss. He pulled away slowly. He looked me in the eyes.

"Y/n?" He asked and I responded with a huh.

"Remember the woods incident?" He questioned and I nodded.

"I'm sorry. That night I didn't drink and I took advantage of you. You on he other hand were moaning my name and I felt nothing but guilt after that." I looked at him with surprise. Ok this was funny.

I laughed. "Adrian shut up! I wasn't drunk either. I took a sip and didn't drink any afterwards. I thought I was taking advantage of you, but then again you were the one hitting on me so I didn't feel guilt I felt passion and I felt loved," I said laughing in a matter-of-fact tone.

He looked at me with eyes filled with nothing.That was strange because it didn't math what happened next... He kissed me once more with me kissing back. We completely forgot that Jeff was still existing right in front of us with a lot of hurt in his eyes.

I noticed this out of the corner of my eye. I felt a ton of bricks fall on my chest like kissing Adrian was wrong. I pulled away quickly. Adrian was surprised at this. I turned to Jeff no longer having head aches.

"Everything was a lie," Jeff whimpered. Wait what. Was I legitimately seeing a serial killer cry over me kissing Adrian.

I remember something. I was in a clearing. It was beautiful. I remember Jeff. I can't remember what I was saying but I remember saying I love you to him and him saying it back to me.

What was this? More importantly when did this happen? I started rubbing my head because the memory kept on replaying.

"Jeff?" I asked wanting answers now. His head snapped up and he stopped crying?

"Wha-" I cut him off by crashing my lips to his.

Omg totally not cliché at all. Omg I died writing this and what the hell is even happening?????? Omg yu kiss your best friend that fucked with you for the first time???? Then you kiss Jeff?????? Anywhore...... Thats not being a slut at all. Sorry I had to do that cause I just love boy drama. It's my favorite. So yea ummmmmm gtg buh byeeeeee.


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