Chapter 2 - Beggining Again

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What was this? More importantly when did this happen? I started rubbing my head because the memory kept on replaying.

"Jeff?" I asked wanting answers now. His head snapped up and he stopped crying?

"Wha-" I cut him off by crashing my lips to his.

End of Recap.

Jeff instantly kissed back.

There was this feeling it was strange. I felt something inside of missing. I felt hollow.

I pulled ian was standing there dumbfounded. I don't think he likes Jeff anymore.


I get a call on my phone.

I answer it.

???- Hello is this y/n?

You- Umm yea. Why? Who's this?

???- Yes. My name is Miriah( If this is your name then you can change it.) Do you know someone by the name of Adrian?

You- Uh yes. He's my friend thing person.

Miriah- Ok... Do you know where he is?

You- First of all how did you get my number?

Miriah- Just answer the question. It's important ma'am.

You- Yea I do know where he is. Now answer my question.

Miriah- Thank you for your service the police are on your way.

With that the phone call ended. Jeff heard the whole thing so he took me in his arms bridal style.

"Put me down. Now." I said sternly.

He didn't respond and headed for the back door. Adrian stood there in shock.

"Adrian? Why are the police after you?" With that he turned his head towards me slowly.

"Always. Watching." He nonchalantly said.

After that being said. Jeff abruptly stopped. He turned around. Jeff slowly put me down.

"Who are you?" Jeff asked Adrian.

"You know who I am," Adrian said with enthusiasm.

"M-masky?" He questioned.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"he said," You finally found me. Now let's get you home."

He pointed me at me. I currently had a confused look on my face.

"Why did you change your name to Adrian?"Jeff asked.

"Because how else could I get close to her?" Masky said.

"Oh, also this is for fucking with my girl," Jeff said raising his fist.

"Wait Jeff. That wasn't me. That was actually Adrian. I didn't find her until two weeks ago when they were camping together. It honestly was an easy kill," Masky said.

"Wait, are you saying you were in the tent with me?"You asked him.

"No that was Adrian. I found him in there and dragged him out and killed him. I then decide to dry your clothes and I got some clothes from my house and have been here ever since," He said.

I am officially confused. Like I gave no idea what's what now. No wonder Adrian has been off since then.

Wait. Holy mother fuck. That means Masky was the one who got me clothes that morning.

Masky went upstairs and I don't know what happened. He came down wearing blue jeans, a yellow zip up jacket, and a white mask with black feminine features.

Holy shit I just kissed two creepypastas today. One who was a pretending to be someone they weren't and the other one held a knife up to my neck.

Wait why would he get scared of Jeff if he's a proxy. Or was that an act?

I'm so freaking and utterly confused.

I close my eyes and count to three.




I open my eyes and stood up. I feel a tugging feeling so I decide to follow it. I see flashes of the meadow from my memory.

I head out the front door and start walking to the park.

Once I reach the park the tugging goes to the woods. As I make my way to the woods.

As I enter out of the corner of my eye I see the two killers follow me about five yards away. (15 feet)

I ignore them and continue to follow the tugging feeling. I follow a path until it ends. The tugging pulls me to the right. I turn right coming up to a clearing about 20 yards away.

The others start to speed up a little as do I. I eventually find a lake that's familiar.

Everything there I recognize it. I see a little girl morning something along with a boy about sixteen.

What ever they are mourning starts to glow. The tugging pulls me to the glowing thing.

I make my footfalls a little loud so the boy and girl know I'm there. They shoot up and turn around to see me.

The stare at me in awe.

The thing infront of me is mesmerizing.

She has long black flowing hair. Her skin a deathly pale but still attractive. She's wearing a navy blue blazer with a black tee shirt underneath. With that are some dark washed skinny jeans. Along with black combat boots.

I feel a hand on each of my shoulders. I turn my head and look up to see Jeff and Masky.

I reach a hand out to the girl.

Once I graze her hand she zaps into me.

The empty feeling I once had fills me.

I feel happiness and love fill my body. I feel myself change into her image. I sence another presence. It's by the lake. I walk over to see a younger spitting image of my self. She looks exactly like me.

She looks a year younger. The way I felt when I woke up for the first time since I got my amnesia.

I now understand it wasn't amnesia at all. I was reincarnated. I was the reincarnation of her. I feel a darker larger presence behind me. It feels powerful and eviler than the other people behind me. In a way I felt connected to it.

I slowly turn around to see him.

The demon that has haunted my dreams ever since I reincarnated.

The devil himself is now infront of me.

I say one thing. His name.


Okie guys here's chapter 2 so please enjoy. I was gonna a a bigger cliffhanger but then SuplmLucid would yell at me and probably come and kill me. She hated the last cliffhanger so she's been bugging me all day basically when its going to be finished.


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