Chapter 4 - Bumps and Bruises

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He then releases me only tuck me into the sheets.

He chuckles and climbs in as well.

Within a few minutes of snuggling I fall asleep.

End of Recap.

I wake up the next morning cold. I roll towards the other side of the bed to where Jeff was. I kept rolling and rolli-!

"Ow! Fuck! Shit!" I yelled into the floor my face was now in.

I feel a sharp pain on my temple.

I realize that is because I smacked it on the corner of the nightstand next to the bed.

I slowly collect my thoughts and get up.

I my face stings a little. I then realized again.

I have rug burn on my freaking face.

Great. Just absolutely fucking great...

This so far was he best morning I've ever had.

The door slams open and I see Jeff with a knife in his hand about to lunge it at me.

He stops.

"What the fuck happened in here?!" He asks loudly.

"I rolled off the bed," I say blushing and being all awkward and embarrassed.

Good going y/n, Good going...

He rolls he eyes and chuckles softly.

"At least you don't pass out every ten seconds," He says chuckling a little and rolling his eyes.

It honestly is kinda creepy to watch him roll his eyes. I always think they are gonna pop out at any moment.

"Hey Jeff?"I asked. Oh god this is gonna be embarrassing.

"Yeah?" He I replied.

"Umm. Uh. I. Oh god. How do your eyes stay in their sockets?" I stuttered he looked at me. His smile widened a lot.

He burst in to laughter for a few minutes. I gave him the 'what's currently happening?' face.

He slowly started to not laugh at my question.

"Oh my lord. Y/n I don't really Ave an answer to the question but, I think Slender has something to do with it," he semi-answered my question.

"Ok," I squeaked out of my mouth.

He then came over to me and picked me up off the ground. I hadn't realized that I was still on the ground. Oh well.

He put me on the bed.( Oh god this is really hard to write this cause I feel awkward doing everything. I also am not girlfriend material so that has something to do with it ).

I stood up and he wrapped his muscular arms around me. I squeaked a little because it scares me a little. Only because of what Melody had done to me over the past year. Then I remembered something very important.

Today's my birthday. My 18th Birthday. I had finally reached adulthood.

I turn around smiling like the idiot I am to find Jeff. He looks at me weirdly. I'm not gonna tell him it's my birthday. Maybe Slender or Toby would know what today is.

I walk out of the room to find a hallway. Of course obviously. I can him of see the stairs from here but I walk next door to see Toby first. I knock on the door.

I hear footsteps and see Toby after he answers the door.

"Do you know what today is?" I ask Toby.

"Um. Your world famous pancakes day?" He questions.

I walk away. I of course am not going to Slender cause hell read my mind.

Well I can make pancakes for everyone but mostly myself.

I get to the kitchen and find Slender cooking.

"Out!" I practically yell at him.

He turns his head to me and stares at me with his faceless face.

"Happy birthday y/n," Slender tells me in my mind.

Slender I swear on my reincarnated bot if you tell anyone then I will go become y/n drowned just like BEN.

I know. I know but, why don't you want people to know it's your birthday. You've never had one with us. Nobody even knows you have a birthday expect me and Masky and Hoodie.

I'm going to go find them and tell them not to tell people.

Child that to late they've already told half the mansion.

You have got to be kidding me. Right? Right?!

Sadly not child.

I'm going for a walk.

Ok don't stay out to late.

Oh trust me I'll be back tomorrow. I just need a tiny little spree.

And with that you left the mansion.

Ok I lied in my update. If you want to know anything just got to the update book that's were you'll find anything you'll need to know. Alright co that wasn't cringey at all.
Well baiiii!!!!


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