Amazed | Neville Longbottom

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I can't remember if SquishyMishy02 helped me with this one, but she probably did, so there's your credit, you freeloader.

Summary: You and Neville like each other and go to the Yule Ball together... and some other stuff.

QOTP: Which Harry Potter movie is your favorite?

Word Count: 1472

You're sitting next to the Black Lake doing Potions homework. It's your fourth year; the Triwizard Tournament is going on.

And so is the Yule Ball.

No, you don't have a date. Seamus Finnigan asked you, but you said no; you're waiting for somebody else to ask you... or to ask him. You're not quite sure yet...

Neville Longbottom.

Yes, you have a crush on the should-be Hufflepuff, Neville Longbottom. You talk sometimes during class, but other than that, you don't really hang out.

You're not sure what it is that makes you like him so much, but the fact is, you do. And there's nothing you can do about it...

Besides asking him to the Yule Ball.

You look back towards the castle and see him walking with Ron and Hermione. Harry is no where to be seen.

Neville sees you and you smile at him. He smiles back, says something to Ron and Hermione, and jogs over to you.

"Hi," you say when he reaches you.

He sits down next to you. "Hi."

There's a slightly awkward silence after that, both of you trying to work up the courage to ask.

You end up asking at the same time.

"Do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?"

You blush and laugh. His face goes as red as a tomato.

"I'd love to go to the Yule Ball with you," you say. He grins.


The night of the Yule Ball, you're in the common room stressin' [ayeee] while trying to get ready. But, eventually, you do.

You meet Neville in the Great Hall. His eyes widen when he sees you. "You look... beautiful."

"Thank you," you reply, blushing. "You don't look so bad yourself..."

You talk with friends and drink punch, avoiding going to the dance floor. And then, a slow song comes on.

Everyone else moves to the dance floor and Neville looks at you anxiously. "Do-Do you wanna, uh..."

"... Yeah, I'd... I'd like that."

You go to the dance floor and Neville looks absolutely helpless [I do, I do, I do, I do]. He sighs, "I have no idea what I'm doing."

You laugh and grab his hands, placing them where they're supposed to go. "Well, firstly, this hand goes on my waist-" he blushes scarlet [hello, Natasha] "- and you hold my other hand in this one."

"What now?" he chokes out.

You shrug. "Not quite sure. Just... copy everyone else."

The first few seconds go okay, then... Neville steps on your foot.


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