Preference: Musicals | Marvel

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Summary: Musicals. And boys. It's a great time.

QOTP: On a scale of 1 to 10, how sad did Infinity War make you?

Word Count: 4216

Bruce: Sincerely, Me - Dear Evan Hansen
First, he heard the happy, fast piano. He didn't recognize the song, which didn't shock him; your phone was hooked up to the car speaker. It was obvious you loved the song considering the way you bounced in the seat when it came on. He chuckled a little, kind of nervous that you were gonna crash the car considering you're driving.

And now, here he is, listening to you sing whilst extremely confused.

Dear Evan Hansen, we've been way too out of touch. Things have been crazy and it sucks that we don't talk that much.

He recognizes the name Dear Evan Hansen; you've talked about it before. But he has no idea what he's in store for.

But I should tell you that I think of you each night...

Well, you know what comes next.

Through the shock of the last lyrics, he notices that you give each character a different voice as you sing.

I've gotta tell you, life without you has been hard.(Hard?) Has been bad. (Bad?) Has been rough.(Kinky!)

He blanches at that, not failing to see the smirk on your face at his reaction. After the first chorus, he just accepts it and laughs.

Dear Connor Murphy, ​yes, I also miss our talks. Stop doing drugs just try to take deep breaths and go on walks. (No.) I'm sending pictures of the most amazing trees. (No.) You'll be obsessed with all my forest expertise. (Absolutely not.)

Through the laughter he hears how nice your voice is and melts at the grin on your face. And then he starts laughing again.

Our friendship goes beyond your average kind of bond. But not because we're gay. No, not because we're gay. We're close, but not that way. The only man that I love is my dad.

At the end of it all, he's in tears, you're laughing at him, and his day is 200% better.

[You already know the ridiculousness in this song]

Bucky: Charming - Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
He went for a run, then he picked up breakfast for the both of you. By the time he gets home, you're cleaning the kitchen, and he can hear music from the front door, but you can't hear him. You can't see him either.

Oh, how she blushes, how she blushes, my pretty! Oh, how she blushes, how she blushes, my pretty! Charmante, charmante! You are such a lovely thing; oh, where have you been? It's such a shame to bury pearls in the country. Charmante, charmante - charming.

He stops and listens, considering he rarely hears your singing voice. The gusto and sass of the song is all at once amusing and impressive.

Now a woman with a dress is a frightening and powerful thing. You are not a child when you're draped in scarlet and lace. Your fiancé would want you to have fun rather than be bored to death. Allez dans la monde plutôt que de périr d'ennui!

He quietly slips his shoes off and tiptoes towards the kitchen. When he sees you dancing while putting up the dishes, he smiles.

My brother is quite madly in love - he is quite madly in love with you, my dear. Oh, how she blushes, how she blushes, my pretty! Oh how she blushes, how she blushes, my pretty! Charmante, charmante!

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