Book Recs | Spencer Reid

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Idea given to me by milessmorales

Summary: You work at a new bookstore in town, and Spencer goes in to check it out. Then, he meets you, and he keeps coming back...

QOTP: What's your favorite book?

Word Count: 2227

He'd run out of new books to read, and he needed another one for the jet when the team inevitably got a case again.

A few weeks before, Garcia had mentioned a new bookstore not too far from his apartment that was "really cool."

It was so close that he could walk, so he did.

And now, here he is, stepping into a cozy, well-stocked, warm bookstore. He breathes in the smell of books happily, then observes the store itself.

The bulk of the store is filled with shelves of books, divided, of course, by genre. There's also a section off to the side of DVDs, and more sections of puzzles, games, and memorabilia. He goes straight the nonfiction section and begins browsing, occasionally picking up something only to put it back.

As he's looking, someone suddenly says, "Excuse me?"

He turns, his mind going completely blank for a second just at the sight of you. "H-Hi."

"Do you need help finding anything?" you ask.

He nods. "Um, yeah. Yeah, I do."

You smile. "Alright, I can help. What's the book called?"

"Actually," he replies, "I don't know what book I want; I can't really find anything interesting."

You think for a moment, noting the section you're currently in. "How do you feel about fiction?"

He shrugs. "Whatever you want to recommend." He'd probably buy the whole store if you recommend it to him, if he's being honest with himself.

You smile. "Then follow me." As you lead him to the fiction section, you also tell him your name. "I'm Y/N, by the way."


When you make it to the fiction section, you beeline for a specific book - your favorite. You hold it out to him, describing it as much as you can without spoiling it.

"Sounds good. I'll take it."

You smile. "Great. I can check you out-"

"Could you maybe recommend something else, too? I-I just tend to get through books pretty fast..."

You smile even brighter. "Yeah! I could probably recommend you, like, twenty off the topic of my head - I won't, though. That's a lot for one shopping trip."

He laughs, and you start searching the shelves again, looking for another book to give him.

By the end of it all, he ends up with three of your favorites, and promises to be back next week.

"You're gonna finish all three of those by next week?" you ask skeptically.

He shrugs sheepishly. "I'm gonna try."

"Well, if you do," you reply, "I'll have three more waiting for you."

"I'm looking forward to it."


"Spencer Reid, reading fiction," Emily says, amazed. "Never thought I'd see the day."

"I read fiction," Spencer replies. They're on the jet on the way back from a case.

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