FBI Stuff | Jonathan Black

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Summary: After spending so much time with Cameron, he gets kidnapped, so you have to hang out with Johnathan...

QOTP: Cameron or Jonathan?

Word Count: 7454

Cameron Black. He's annoying, he runs into danger with reckless abandon, and you never know what he has up his sleeve. Literally.

However, he also has the biggest heart of anyone you've ever met. He's incredibly kind, caring, and funny (sometimes), and he's ridiculously intelligent, but he doesn't show it off unless necessary. And he's not cocky or arrogant, even though he's a famous illusionist/escape artist.

He's Cameron. And you're used to it, having been working with him for so long; you're an FBI agent.

Because of this, it's jarring when Jonathan - his twin - shows up to help find Cameron after he's been kidnapped by the Mystery Woman. Jonny looks just like him - down to the hair style - but he acts completely different.

He's still annoying, but in a different, more exasperating way. You haven't known him long enough to tell whether he'd run into danger like Cameron. However, they have one thing in common other than looks: You literally never know what he has up his sleeve.

He seems very Cameron-orientated, but, admittedly, that makes sense. And he's sarcastic, in an annoying way as opposed to a funny one. He's intelligent, too, and it feels like he intentionally shows it off. He seems cocky and arrogant, even though he'd been living in Cameron's shadow all his life.

Then again, maybe that's why.

Or maybe he was different before prison, but you'd never actually know.

From what you can tell at the moment, he's Jonathan. And it's weird to see Cameron act like that, even if you know he's not Cameron.

When you met him, when you shook his hand, he smirked. And it wasn't a Cameron smirk. Jonathan's was more... cocky. You could think of a thousand offensive comments that would've fit that smirk perfectly.

He didn't say anything, though. His pride was probably damaged by the tracking device Kay put on his ankle.

It was weird, though, seeing his smirk on Cameron's face.

Even when you know it's not Cameron.


You take him back to Cameron and Co.'s house - his house, too, before he got arrested - and your opinion starts to change.

He seems more like Cameron around Dina, Justin, and Gunter. A funny sort of sarcastic, a less-cocky genre of smirk.

You also remember that he used to date Dina, and Dina's... Dina, so that boosts your opinion of him a little bit.

Everyone gets right to business, discussing the kidnapping. Cameron isn't visible from the security footage because the crowd of people filming him with their phones. He's surrounded.

You start discussing why the Mystery Woman would want Cameron in the first place.

"What does Cam have?" you ask, thinking out loud. "I've never heard of needing so many people to kidnap one."

Jonny looks over at you, and his eyes light up a little. For a second, you're a little flustered, but then it's like he's looking through you instead of at you - he had an idea.

"Sacrifice 99 to fool one." He sees you again when you give him a confused look. "It's an illusion where the entire audience is in on the trick just to fool one member of it - can I demonstrate? Matt?"

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