He Cheats (Sam )

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Y/N= You're Name
Y/BSF/N= You're bsf name

You have been having a awful day You say to Y/BSF/N.  You explained everything how you're boss fired you and then you broke you're phone and got a ticket. I cant wait till i go home and see Sam tho he always makes me extremly happy you say with a bright smile. I pulled up to my best friends apartment with a white exterior lined with Gold letters. Bye Y/BSF/N I basically yell. Byeeeee she scremed. I drove my car to the mansion and unlocked the door. Hey Colbs hey Aaron i said smiling. Hey they said insinct. I walked upstairs and heard noises from our room. You walked in to see Sam making out with you're best friend . WHAT THE HELL you  yelled you're eye's tearing up. How could you do this you let sobs through the house. Colby ran up and pushed Sam. You scream and start packing. Baby Sam says grabbing you're arm NO You yelled furious. You cheated on me and I'm done im going to brennens You said letting out Sobs. Colby ran out the door and said I can finally do this. He grabbed you're face and kissed you sending chills down you're spine i smiled. Finally i said to him whispering.


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