Sweet Kisses (colby)

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This one is for ColbsBrock
Kathie Colby yelled his pleasant voice filled my ears as I woke up. What's up babe I yelled causing him to run into my room. Come here He said frantic but excited. What what's wrong I yelled slipping on some shorts and his hoodie I stole from him.
Come to the hallway he yelled as I ran out. There was a trail of red rose pedals down the hallways and balloons with paper tied to them. I smiled and coverd my mouth in shock. I grabbed the first note. It said->
Babe Happy 4 year aniversarry so I will give you reasons why I love you.
I smiled I ran down the hall to the second red balloon it said->
1. I love how you're dirty blonde hair makes you look like a angel
I ran to the next which said->
2. When you're blue/green eyes and my eyes met for the first time I knew we were in love.
My heart started pounding as I made it to the last one which said->
I have so much more but when I look at you It feels like I've known you forever which means Kathie turn the corner. I turned the corner and Saw Colby on one knee. Kathie I have loved you since I first layed eye's on you. You made me want to do everything I do now so I was wandering baby Will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me? I started to cry and finally spit out yes....Yes...YES I WILL. Baby he said putting the ring on my finger and kissed me yelling she said YESSS!!!! Here was the ring

 Baby he said putting the ring on my finger and kissed me yelling she said YESSS!!!! Here was the ring

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BABE WE'RE ENGAGED I yelled smiling wide.
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