Highschool Days and moving (Colby)

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Y/F/G= You're Favorite Game

Just 1 more hour till im free drolm highschool for good you sighed opening you're locker and grabbing youre Language book. Hey Y/N! You heard someone call down the hallway.  You turn to see you're best friend Sam. Hey you sais hugging him and shutting you're locker. So Language let's get ready to be bored to death he joked as you both walked to you're class together.

In class
Ok class you're teacher started as you zoned out. Man you started thinking. I have to go to college soon what if I get in a car accident I fail I ....then you were interrupted by Sam twisting you're chair around to face him. Who where you dreaming about he winked to you. You gave a quick smile and told him how nervous you were. Well guess what b***h he said quite loud. What you said smiling at his embarrassment. My friend Colby and I are hanging out and going to watch a movie together before we go off to California wanna join he smiled wide. You can't go you frowned holding back tears. Come hangout Y/N he smiled as you simply agread.

Hey Y/N Sam's mom said hugging me. Hello Mrs.Golbach nice to see you you smiled accepting the hug. Sam took you're hand and dragged you upstairs. Colby will be coming over in 2 minutes he said fixing the big tent prepped with snacks, drinks , blankets ,pillows and his laptop. This is amazing You said smiling twords Sam soon you heard a knock on Sam's door. Colby is here he said estatic. You smiled and waited by the door. Hey man this is Y/N. She goes to school with me he finished as Colby's eye's grew bigger. I was starring um h...h..i i'm uh Colby he said putting his hand out. I'm Y/N you said shaking his soft delicate hand. Colby hopped under the fort and as well as I when he pulled out his phone and play Y/F/G. Is that Y/F/G!!! you basically yelled. Ya he smiled scooting closer and showing me what level he was on. Oh if you use this then you will win you said smiling into his deep blue eye's yoy could drown in them then you're lips connected and sparks flew. I know I just met you but I feel a connection Colby said looking at me. Me too you said holding youre chest. Be mine he asked softly of course you said smiling wide as yoy secretly heald hands and cuddled all night without Sam knowing. You smiled at the thought of something new.

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