Chapter 1 ~ Central Park

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"You both are such idiots." I say to my two best friends, Harry and Ron, with a wide smile on my face.
"And you love it!" Harry grins back.
"But why would you guys try and play baseball? Especially in this ass small yard. Mrs. Calico is going to get you two in trouble." I say, looking at the whole in one of Mrs. Calico's kitchen windows caused by my two idiot friends.
"Not if she doesn't know it was us, duh." Ron says with a shrug of his shoulders, leaning the baseball bat behind his head across his shoulders, holding both ends. "C'mon, let's go."
Harry and Ron but turn to run and I follow shortly on their heels, not wanting to get into trouble because of something that they did. We end up in Central Park, which is on the other end of the road from where we broke a window and all three of us are winded by the time we get there.
"Look at what we have here."  A familiar voice snarls from behind us before we all spin around to see that it's Draco Malfoy and his two bodyguards that he calls friends.
Draco and Harry haven't liked each other ever since the two first made eye contact in middle school. And since Ron and I are Harry's closest friends Draco and his goons decided awhile ago to harass all three of us.
We all go to Hogwarts, a large and esteemed private school that is hard to be accepted into, and yet all of us managed to be accepted.
"It's the trash of Hogwarts." Draco snarls.
"You looking in a mirror there Malfoy?" Ron snaps back harshly.
"No." Malfoy answers dryly.
"Shut up redhead." The bigger of Malfoy's goons says, spit flying out of his mouth and onto the cement.
"What do you want Malfoy?" Harry asks, sounding tired of Malfoy's bullshit, all three of us are.
"We saw that you broke Mrs. Calico's window, again." Draco sighs as I he were talking to a child. "You guys are truly a bunch of pathetic idiots."
"Your point?" Harry asks.
"The window will be taken care of." Draco says, leaving all of our mouths wide open.
"Wha-? Why?" Ron asks, flabbergasted that Draco seems to be healing us.
"Because I want you to do something for me." Draco answers simply.
"What do we have to do?" I speak up, not wanting Harry and Ron to get into more trouble with Molly, Ron's mom and Harry's adoptive mother.
"'Mione, why are you agreeing to help the bloody bastard?" Ron asks, clearly sounding pissed.
"I don't want you two to get into trouble." I answer simply, before looking back at Draco. "Are you going to tell me or not?"
"I need a date." Draco answers simply.
"A date? To what?" Harry asks.
"To a family gathering of sorts." Draco answers.
"Why can't Pansy do it? We can all see the way she looks at you." I ask, not understanding his reasoning.
"My mother won't allow it, and as much as I hate to say this. My only other option is you, Granger." Draco says, making eye contact with me.
"What? Why me? There are a bunch of other girls who go to Hogwarts." I say, my cheeks turning pink at the suggestion.
"Because they're all dimwits, and well, your not. Not a dimwit." Draco says, looking flushed.
"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" I ask, wanting to get a reaction out of Draco but also I am kinda hoping it was supposed to be a compliment.
"No! Are you crazy?" Draco huffs and crosses his arms over his chest, his cheeks turning a rosy pink.
"And if I do this?" I ask, wanting to know my reasons to do this.
"I'll clear up the window incident and leave you guys alone until school starts back up." Draco states, and it's barely believe able because he basically torments us anytime we step out of the house.
"Don't tell me your considering this 'Mione." Ron says in disbelief.
"It's a deal." I say to Draco, holding my hand out for a handshake and he quickly responds and limply shakes my hand before drawing away.
"Good. I'll talk to you later, Granger." Draco says before turning on his heel and walking away towards his house.
"'Mione! Are you insane!" Ron yells, gaining the attention of everyone in the park but they quickly loose interest.
"No, I don't want you guys getting in trouble in the beginning of my last summer with you guys." I say, remembering that I'm moving right when school starts to live with my mother on the opposite side of the country.
"Ugh, don't remind me, I think I'm gonna cry. No, I'm defiantly going to cry." Harry says sadly, looking down at the ground.
"Sorry." I say sadly. "I wish I could stay but my mother is very adamant of me coming to live with her."
"But Hogwarts is the best high school in the country, how can she take that away from you?" Ron asks in an uncharacteristically serious and sad tone.
"I don't know, maybe I could convince Molly to adopt me." I say with a smile.
"Yes! We have enough room in the house and everyone loves you anyways!" Ron agrees excitedly.
"That might be my only option if I still want to go to Hogwarts." I say with a sigh.
"Please don't leave us." Harry speaks up, voice wavering with emotion.
"Come here, both of you. Group hug. Now." I say, holding my arms out for a hug and they both come over and hug me. "I love you guys so much, you guys are  the brothers I never wanted but the ones that I need."
"Shut up! Your gonna make me cry goddamnit!" Harry whines into my shoulder before we all break down laughing and untangle from each other.
"Let's go home." I suggests and they both nod their heads in agreement before we all turn and leave the park, heading towards Ron's house since I am basically going to live there this summer, as it is our last summer that we're all going to be together.

~Authors Note~

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this new book. I don't know how frequently I'll be updating but vote for the story  and comment ideas for coming up chapters or new books entirely.

Thanks for reading!

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