Chapter 9 ~ Last Day pt. 1

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"I can't believe it. I can't believe that you're moving across the country tomorrow." Draco says in utter shock.
Ever since Draco and I started dating it slowly began to mend his relationships with Harry, Ron and Ginny. Only because I insisted on it, so when I moved away they wouldn't totally hate each others guts.
The majority of my summer was spent hanging out with Draco, and it was just the two of us. Hanging out at the Weasley's. Or hanging out with all of us, meaning Draco, Harry, Ron, Ginny and I. I'm completely happy with Draco and I hate that I can't stay here, but there's nothing I can do about it.
"Neither can I." I answer honestly, hating how the summer went by like a blur. "Promise to text me at least once a day."
"I'll text you until I annoy the shit out of you." Draco says, smiling at me and I quickly return his smile with my own.
"You could never annoy me." I smile at him.
"Is that a challenge Ms. Granger?" Draco grins.
"Of course." I answer.
"Good." Draco says with a smile before walking over to me and giving me a kiss.
I kiss him back with all I have but he pulls away before anything can get too heated. I sigh as he sits down next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. I rest my head in the crook of his neck, where his neck and arm meet.
"I love you. Never forget that." Draco says before planting a kiss into my hair.
"I love you too." I answer simply, never having experiencing this type of security with anyone else.
Draco and I sit like that for what seems like hours. Just enjoying each others company on our last full day together.
"I wish I didn't have to move." I say sadly, not wanting to leave him and my friends behind.
"I know, me too. But once you turn eighteen you can come back." Draco says, hope clear in his voice.
"Yeah, I'll definitely come back. No doubt about it." I say, trying to assure both of us that I will, but in actuality, I don't know if I'll ever come back or not.
"I know you will." Draco says before turning his head to look at the time on his phone. "It's getting late, you should head back to the Weasley's, spend the night with them."
"Thank you." I say before I get up, instantly missing Draco's warmth.
"Why are you thanking me? I haven't done anything." Draco says, confused to why I thanked him.
"For feeling the same way about me as I feel about you." I explain with a small smile on my face as we leave Draco's bedroom, him shutting the door behind us.
"Your welcome, and thank you too. For liking me." Draco thanks me, his cheeks rosy pink.
"Are you blushing? Is the famous Draco Malfoy blushing?" I say, trying to mess around with him as we descend the staircase, hand-in-hand.
"Oh, Hermione, your leaving. I'll miss you. We could see if you could be flown here for the holidays." Narcissa offers
"Thank you Narcissa but I don't want to cause anymore inconvenience than necessary." I say, politely refusing her offer.
"It wouldn't be an inconvenience both Draco and I enjoy having you here, and I'm sure your other friends wouldn't be opposed to it." Narcissa says with a smile.
"Okay, we can talk about it at a later day. Bye." I say to her with a wave before I let go of Draco's hand and slip out of the Malfoy Manor for the last time for a long time.


"'Mione!" Ginny exclaims and gives me a bone crushing hug as soon as I walk into the Weasley's house. "It's not going to be the same around here without you. Promise you'll message me every day."
"I promise." I say as Ginny let's go of me. "Where are the boys?"
"Living room." Ginny says before we both walk to the living room.
"'Mione! Your back!" Ron calls from the living room, more excited than normal.
"Yeah? What's going on." I ask, confused to why he's so energetic.
"Nothing." Harry says, and I can instantly tell that he's lying. "1 ... 2 ... 3 ... Surprise!"

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