Chapter 3 ~ Word from Draco

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The next morning I expected to be woken up by yelling and the clattering of pots and pans from the kitchen. But instead I'm met with a pure and thick silence that made me feel uneasy.
I sit up, grope around the ground next to the couch for my phone and after a few seconds I find it. I turn it on and I'm momentarily blinded from how high the brightness is and I realize that it's silent in the house because it's only two in the morning, which also explains why it's still pretty dark out.
I unlock my phone and see that I got a snapchat from the one and only Draco Malfoy sometime late last night. I pull up snapchat and see that he messaged me a simple yet ominous message.
Meet me at my house at noon on Saturday, July 1st. Don't be late.
Which means today at noon. I sigh, knowing that I won't be able to go back to sleep. I kick off my thick blanket and I'm instantly met with the warm summer air and I let out a sigh. I get up from the couch and wander towards the large window close to the door of the living room that allows you too see out onto the open street. And I see something that I never dreamt of seeing.
Neville Longbottom and Blaise Zabini holding hands walking down the street is not something you see on a daily basis. Blaise is one of Draco's best friends and Neville is good friends with me, Harry, Ron and Ginny. Before I can watch anymore both Neville and Blaise turn their attention to the Weasley's house and they both see me in the window and I instantly panic.
"Come outside!" Blaise says but it's slightly muffled because of the window but I can still understand him.
I reply with a simple nod before slipping on the slippers that Molly gave me last Christmas and basically run outside to meet up with Blaise and Neville.
"What is it?" I ask before seeing that the two are no longer holding hands like they were moments ago. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about what I saw."
"G-good." Neville says nervously, looking up to Blaise as if he were a lost puppy and Blaise his protector.
"Draco told me that the two of you are going on a date." Blaise says with a smirk on his face.
"Yeah because he said he would clear up everything with Mrs. Calico if I did go on a date with him! Don't think anything of it!" I say, a blush making its way into my cheeks.
"That blush on your face tells me otherwise." Blaise smirks.
"Shut up!" I yell.
"Shush! It's early." Neville said with more confidence than when the three of us first started talking.
"Sorry. So, how long have you two been together?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Why is it your business, Granger? I'll be sure to ask that question when you and Draco end up together." Blaise snaps.
"Two months." Neville answers simply and Blaise looks at him with a fake glare. "Sorry Blaise, she's my friend and I don't want her to not know."
"Okay, it's fine." Blaise says softly to Neville before turning his attention back to me. "Please don't tell anyone."
"I won't, does Draco even know?" I ask curiously.
"No and I don't intend for him to find out." Blaise says. "Who knows how he might react."
"True. Well I'm gonna go inside, enjoy the rest of your walk or whatever you were doing." I say before turning back towards the house.
"Thank you, Hermione." Neville says softly and I can just barely hear what he said.
I decide to not respond, seeing as the two were already walking away. When I get back inside I'm once again greeted with silence that you could cut through with a knife.


"Hermione! Wake up!" Someone says as they continue to shake me back and forth.
"I'm up! I'm up!" I say groggily before rubbing my eyes.
"It's eleven-thirty." Ron says after I've opened my eyes and panic spreads throughout my entire being.
"Shit! I need to get ready!" I say as I jump off the couch and basically run towards the bathroom.
"Ready? For what?" Harry asks as him and Rob follow me into the bathroom.
"Malfoy. He told me to meet him at his house today at noon." I say as I scramble to make my hair look presentable before deciding to pull it into a simple messy bun and calling it a day.
I quickly brush my teeth before applying a very light and simple layer of makeup. I run into the guest bedroom where most of my clothes are. I throw various shirts and pants and shorts out of my way until I find what I want to wear.
An all light blue dress that flows to right above my knees. It has two straps and has a black trim sort of thing under the breast line, tailoring it more to my body and making it look less like one big blue blob.
"Get out so I can change." I say before I push Ron and Harry out of the room and shut the door.
I shed off my black leggings and white t-shirt and pull the dress over my head and let it cover my body before I open the door and step out.
"How do I look? Okay?" I ask the two boys, getting their attention in the process.
"Yeah." They answer in unison.
"Well, I have to go. Wish me luck." I say as I pull on a pair of black flats.
"Can we come with you?" Harry asks, as if the two of them were lost dogs and I were their guide.
"No, your both big boys. Stay here and wait till I get home, I'll tell you everything that happens." I say before I kiss both of them on the cheek and jog to the door, making sure to grab my fully charged phone when I jog through the living room.
"Bye." Harry says before I shut the door as start towards Draco's house, which is surprisingly not too far from Ron's, since they are both rich they live in the rich side of town.
After about a ten minute walk I see the Malfoy manor looming over me and I try not to gawk, as I forgot how rich Malfoy truly was. When I get to the front door as I'm about to knock the door opens to reveal a rather bored and annoyed looking Draco Malfoy.
"Your late." Draco says in a bored tone.

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