Chapter 5 ~ Beach Day

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It's the Wednesday after I went to Draco's house and met his mother, Narcissa Malfoy. The Wednesday after Draco basically had be pinned up against the wall when I was wishing he would kiss me, and that was the only detail I left out when I told Ron, Harry and Ginny about what happened when I was at the Malfoy manor.
Draco still hasn't messaged me about anything else regarding the party. So I'm hoping that him as his mother decided that I shouldn't go and he'll fix the window instance anyways, but I know that that any going to happen. Today Harry, Ron and Ginny have decided that we should go to the beach and Molly agreed to give the four of us a ride.
"Hermione! Hurry up in the bathroom! I have to take a piss!" Ron yells from the other side of the bathroom door.
"Give me a minute!" I say while brushing my teeth.
I quickly finish brushing my teeth and quickly brush my hair and pull it into a pony tail. After that I clear out of the bathroom, allowing Ron to get in there to take a piss. I make my way to my room and pull out my bath suit and one of my bathing suit cover ups.
My bathing suit is a bikini, the top is a deep red and the bottom is a shiny gold. My coverup is a simply white sundress that can be easily taken off. I put on my bathing suit and cover up and slip on my black flip-flops. I grab my phone before exiting my bedroom and heading towards the kitchen where Molly, Harry and Ginny are.
"Ready to go?" Molly asks as soon as I enter the kitchen.
"Yeah." I answer as Ron saunters into the room.
"Let's go then." Molly says and we all make our way towards the front door and outside.
Molly and Ginny get the two seats in the front and Harry, Ron and I are stuck in the back and all of our food, drinks and swimming stuff are in the trunk. I'm in the middle, Harry is on my left and Ron is on my right and to say it's cramped is an understatement.
"Ron, can you move over a little bit? Your crushing my side." I ask, Ron crushing me and in turn making me crush Harry.
"No! There's no bloody room in this damn car!" Ron groans as he tries to move away from me.
"Watch your mouth Ronald." Molly says quickly from the drivers seat.
"Sorry mum." Ron says, lowering his head.


"We're finally here!" I exclaim as I climb out of the car and stretch my sore limbs.
"Finally!" Ron laughs as him and Harry stretch out their arms and legs.
"Thanks mom!" Ginny thanks her mother for the ride here.
"I'll be back at around 4:30 or 5:00. Keep your phones on you, I love you, have a good time." Molly says before starting the car once again and drives away.
"Let's go!" Ginny giggles before running off to the beach with two bags of food and drinks and stuff in her hands.
Ron, Harry and I all laugh at Ginny and how impatient she is before following her to the beach, the three of us carrying the rest of the bags.
"Where should we set up our stuff?" I ask as there is a lot of open space to set up.
"Over here!" Ginny yells to our left and we see that she's chosen a great spot.
It has two picnic tables, one in the sun and the other in the shade and it's right next to the water so we don't have to worry about loosing our stuff.
"Nice spot Ginny." Harry smiles before jogging over to where she is to put the bags he's holding down onto one of the picnic tables, Ron and I follow shortly behind him.
There are a few other families here, but none are very close to us, which is good so we have a lot of space to swim around and tan. But as I'm scanning the shoreline to see if there's anybody that we know here my heart sinks when I make eye contact with a certain blonde.
"Guys." I say to get their attention.
"What's up?" Harry asks, walking over next to me too see what I'm looking at and he quickly figures it out. "God damnit."
"What?" Ron asks, clearing lost.
"Malfoy, Zabini and Parkinson are here." Harry says, hate clear in his voice.
"Let's just leave them alone and hopefully they'll leave us alone." I say before tuning my attention away from Draco and back towards all of our stuff.
"We came here to have fun, so let's have fun." Ginny says from behind Ron, Harry and I, I just nod in response.
"Ginny, wanna go swimming?" I ask, partly because I want to talk to her alone.
"Yeah." Ginny says as both her and I shed off our cover ups and sandals.
We make our way into the water and I somewhat regret asking her to go swimming. The water is as cold as ice.
"Why does it have to be so cold?" I ask, almost shivering because of how cold the water is.
"Incoming." Ginny says while looking over my shoulder.
"What?" I ask before I hear Blaise and Pansy talking and I automatically assume that they're following Draco.
"Hello, Granger. Didn't expect to see you here." Draco says from behind me and I quickly spin around to look at him.
"What do you want?" I ask, crossing my  arms over my chest.
"Nothing, am I not allowed to make simple conversation?" Draco asks innocently.
"No, your not. Now please leave us alone." I say, not wanting to deal with him right now.
"Fine, fine, but I'll remember that at the party. Ta ta." Draco says with something I can't place in his tone before her turns and leaves with Blaise and Pansy following after him like two lost puppies.
"Party? What party? Ginny asks curiously.
"The stupid family thing I have to go to as his date." I say, my eyes still following Draco back to where him and his friends have their stuff.
"Hey, what was that about?" Ron asks as him and Harry join Ginny and I in the water.
"Nothing, he said he wanted to make conversation and then I told him to go away, and he did." I say, shocked as I now realize what had just happened.
For the first time since I met Draco Malfoy he listened to me. Draco Malfoy listened to me. What on earth is going on?

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