Chapter 6 ~ The Party pt. 1

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The party is tonight and to say I'm flipping out is a complete understatement. I'm going insane now that I've accepted the fact that I have feelings for Draco bloody Malfoy. His mother, Narcissa, and I went shopping a day or two ago and picked out our dresses. I got a deep Crimson cocktail dress that ends just below my knees and hugs my limited curves in just the right way. It also has gold detailing below the bust area, showing my small waist.
Narcissa also bought me a pair of all black pumps to go with my dress. The party is tonight and Draco wants me to meet him at his house to get ready.
"Hey 'Mione?" Harry asks, knocking on my bedroom door.
"Yeah? Come in." I say before he opens the door and shuts it behind him.
"You okay? You've been acting a bit weirdly the past couple days. Does it have to do with the whole Malfoy thing?" Harry asks, concern lacing his tone.
"Yeah. I've realized something that might make you and Ron hate me." I say sadly, not knowing how they would react to me having feelings for Draco.
"Nothing could make me hate you, I promise. What's up?" Harry asks, siting down on the bed next to me.
"I, uh, I have feelings for Draco." I say, unused to using Draco's first name on conversation.
"Like, romantic feelings?" Harry asks calmly and I simply nod my head. "Oh, well, it was kinda obvious."
"What? When?" I shriek.
"When we went to the beach, all you did was look at Malfoy until we left, nice job making it not obvious. Ron, Ginny and I talked about it when you went shopping with Malfoy's mom for your dress." Harry explains. "And none of us hate you. Ron is just more confused than anything and I think Ginny knew the whole time."
"She probably did." I say with a chuckle.
"When are you supposed to go to the party?" Harry asks.
"I have to meet Draco at his house at two-thirty. What time is it anyways?" I ask before grabbing my phone and turn it on to check the time and I see that it's two o'clock. "Fuck, I gotta go. Talk to you after the party."
I hop off of the bed and Harry follows suit and leaves my room so I can get ready to go. I grab the bag that has my dress and shoes and place it on the bed before going out of my room and into the bathroom and snatch my makeup bag and bring it too my room. I pull on a sweater and some combat boots before grabbing my things and leaving the room, shutting the door behind me.
"Good luck." Ginny says to me as I basically run out of the house.


"Your here! Fabulous!" Narcissa says after opening the front door and allowing me inside.
"Where do you want me to put my stuff?" I ask, referencing my dress, shoes and makeup bag.
"Follow me, Draco just started getting ready so you both can get ready in the large bathroom upstairs." Narcissa explains as she goes up the stairs and I follow quickly after her.
"What is he wearing?" I ask, wondering if she made us do some sappy date coordinated look.
"A black tux with a crimson red tie, to match your dress." Narcissa says with a smile as we get to the top of the stairs.
"Of course we're matching." I mutter to myself.
"What was that?" Narcissa asks from in front of me, stopped in front of the door to what I assume is the bathroom.
"Nothing, nothing. Sorry." I apologize.
"It's okay sweetie, and loosen up, my family is going to tear you apart tonight with questions, you might as well try and have some fun." Narcissa says with a smile before knocking on the door.
"Yes?" I hear Draco says from the other side of the door before he opens it and reveals himself shirtless. "Oh, hey Hermione."
"Hey." I say awkwardly with a smile on my face as I try and look anywhere other than a rather attractive shirtless Draco.
"I'll let you two get ready." Narcissa says before walking away.
"Well then, let's start getting ready, shall we?" Draco says before opening the door so I can come in.

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