Chapter 8 ~ Telling the friends

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Narcissa let me spend the night a the Malfoy Manor as the small family gathering ended at about two-thirty in the morning. Draco and I slept in the same room, same bed. And I slept in one of his shirts and pajama bottoms and both were a bit too big.
The rest of the party was filled with light and happy conversations.About school, relationships and about how I'm moving at the end of the summer.
Draco was outraged at first and then the anger converted into sadness. He wouldn't let go of my hand the whole night. He barely even let me go to the bathroom because he was worried about the limited time we had together until I had to move. He even suggested that I could stay at the Malfoy Manor with him and Narcissa, of course Narcissa agreed. But I wasn't sure how my parents would react to that so I just said maybe.
Molly and Arthur have already offered to let me stay with them on numerous occasions. They view me as one of their own children because me and Ron have been best friends since primary school,and I've been best friends with Ginny ever since we met at Ron and I's first sleepover. So it would feel more natural to stay with them.
"Hermione?" Draco asks from next to me.
"Yes?" I answer opening my eyes and turning to look into his beautiful stormy blue ones.
"You awake?" Draco asks with a smile on his face.
"No!" I say with a giggle as I bury my head into his chest.
"Okay." Draco says and I can hear that he's smiling. "Do you plan any telling anyone? About us?"
"If you don't want me too I won't." I answer, knowing that I'll have to tell at least Ginny as soon as possible.
"If you feel comfortable with telling people you can. It doesn't matter to me, as long as your happy." Draco answers honestly.
"Then I will tell my friends, I should get back soon. They're all probably worries sick." I say, sitting up, Draco doing the same moments after.
"Do you really have to go?" Draco whines.
"Yes, sorry. Message me later and we can hang out tomorrow. I promise." I say as I get up from his bed and grab the clothes I was wearing yesterday before the party and head into Draco's private bathroom.
I quickly change, put on my combat boots and grab my phone from the charge Draco was letting me use before slipping out of the bathroom, leaving the clothes Draco let me wear in the laundry basket.
"Bye." I say before giving Draco a quick kiss and leaving the room, shutting the door behind me.
I walk down the hall as quietly as possible, to not wake up Narcissa. But it seems that sea already away and running around the manor.
"Leaving already?" Narcissa asks as I get to the bottom of the staircase.
"Yeah, my friends are going to be worried sick that I haven't told them that I'm okay. Thank you for inviting me to the party, it was fun." I say with a smile as I walk towards Narcissa to give her a quick hug.
"It was my pleasure, and our welcome here anytime." Narcissa tells me with smile on her face after we dislocate from each other.
"Thank you." I say before opening the front door and slip outside, shutting the door softly behind me.


"Hermione Jean Granger! You had us worried to death! Where on earth were you?" Ginny yells as soon as I get back to the Weasley's house.
"I was at Draco's, the party didn't end till early this morning so I crashed there." I give her the quick explanation.
"A simple damn text would have been nice." Harry says from behind Ginny.
"I know, I'm sorry, my phone died during the party." I apologize.
"So, what happened?" Ron asks, curiosity clear in his tone.
"I need to tell you guys something and please don't hate me." I say, hoping and praying that my only true friends don't hate me for saying Draco.
"Why would we hate you?" Ginny asks, crossing her arms across her chest.
"Draco and I are dating." I say bluntly, not wanting to keep it in any longer.
"Since when?" Ginny asks excitedly.
"Last night, during the party." I answer and see that both Harry and Ron look beyond confused. "Do you guys hate me now?"
"No. We can't control who you date, but, if he ever hurts you there will be a long list of people who will beat him up." Harry says.
"If he hurts you he's dead." Ron says, and I realize that they don't hate me for dating Draco.
"I love you guys so much." I say with a smile on my face and they all close in on me and we all have one big group hug.

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